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Operation Phalanx - Multi-Session Operation 30AUG2013

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Sorry for the late notice.

The MSO our group is participating in has lost a squad, and CPT Wilson of the 23rd AA says there are now two places left. Operation Phalanx will begin in just two days, with a server stress test taking place tonight at 8PM CST. I would only recommend signing up at this point if your group has experience with bigger operations -- trying to learn the ropes now might be too much trouble for everyone.

If your unit would be interested, please check out the 23rd's website at the below link. CPT Wilson would be glad to speak with you on the 23rd's Teamspeak server. If you are looking for a squad to join up with to take part in an intense operation like this, click on the link in my signature to check out our group's website.



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Posting to say that our first Joint Operation Night started today... We have a turn out of 4 other units, and a 5th joining. with over 30 players.

We had a massive assault on enemy forces in the south of Reshmaan. And we havent even left the initial area of operations. (Phase one)

Would like to remind anyone interested we and all groups involved are recruiting, any other units out there that want to be involved refer to the information in the OP.

Great turnout great start was awesome. We'll have some footage posted ASAP.

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How did you find the performance with > 30 players? Would you mind sharing your param defaults (ie: enemy locations, density, cqb #s, etc)?

In our own tests we found 42 players too high... large desync with JIP players and server FPS under 10... I am curious how it runs for others.

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