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Kegetys' spectator mode

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I used your idea to fix it:

By adding the line</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">cutsceneplaying=false<span id='postcolor'>

at the beginning of the spectatescript (first line is just fine) and inserting this line</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?not(cutsceneplaying):DeathCam cameraEffect ["internal","front"]<span id='postcolor'>

just after the #loop marker in the OnPlayerRespawnAsBird script all is solved. Spectate mode will stay active, even through cutscenes. And if you want the dead players to see the cutscenes too, all you need to do is set the variable 'cutscenepaying' to true at the start of your cutscene, and back to false after it is finished.

Link to demo mission: here!!!

Edit: link updated to most recent version

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Ok I had another go at this script. As I use it in all my missions I got quite some feedback, and many people complained mainly about two points:

- no way to switch to seagull mode

- if you hit escape to access the options or check the lobby you were stuck with the player you were spectating, as the menu was gone

Both problems are fixed now. Modifying Kegetys' 1stPerson view for spectator mode I managed to get back to the seagull and found that you got complete control over it. In seagull mode it is also possible to open the map and check the lobby/options, as usual.

Also if you hit the ESC button the menu will be restored after 5 seconds - giving you enough time to get out to the options (the options menu works even after spectator is restored).

As I could find no way to use the action menu to switch back from seagull mode to the spectate mode, I used the height over ground - so if you land with your seagull (height < 0.3m) you will be switched back to spectate mode and to your last spectated target. The seagull starts at the position of your spectated target (is there a way to make them start NOT on the ground, but already in the air - setpos didn't work for me sad.gif ). It vanishes after you switch back to spectate mode (setpos to [0,0,100]).

Seagull mode can be disabled in the OnPlayerRespawnAsSeagull script in the header by changing a variable (T/F).

Here's the link: http://www.gogodot.net/missionscripts/spectator10-fix5.Intro.zip

Kegetys' original spectate script 1.0 and a readme are included. As is a demo mission showing how the cutscene fix, the seagull mode and the restoration of the menus work.

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its really good and easy to implement. i included it in my first mission ever and even got the closedialog thing to work biggrin.gif now just make a new version of winter nogojev and ill be happy tounge.gif

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Kegetys - I love your observer script(s)!!! HOOAH! Should be an OFP standard with royalties going your way wink.gif

I am a memeber of the [sTO] (StRiKe Tactical Operations) group. I write many of the missions and scripts for the group. When I include you observer mode, I always make sure to give you the credit you well deserve in the notes and briefing sections of every mission.

There may be another good use for your observer scripts. I would like to include you observer mode in some of our training missions. I am trying to set it up so the trainer can toggle in and out of observer mode (while he is still alive) so he can watch the performance of each trainee. I've played with it a little but I'm still new to the way idc controls are handled in resistance. The problem I have is when the trainer leaves observer mode (via cancel) he can not re-gain control of his player. Is there a way to do this?

Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated.

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