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Controls not working in editor

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Actually I posted a similar question before but it's actually different. I know how to control movement in the 3D editor but on Altis it's not working. This happened before, I just didn't know it was not supposed to be that way.

Q is up

Z is down

W is forward

S is back

But now it's:

W is up and forward

S is down and backward

It's driving me insane. Anyone know how to fix it? I know that when I used RTE in the past it would sometimes open with things messed up. It was usually because of how many things in the map or how big it is.


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Just remap the keys or use the "ArmA2" controls default. The devs got all crazy with their "lets make things easy for the CoD fans" thing by trying to remap everything so it's all the "similar across control sets" and totally disregarding 12 years of muscle memory. :)

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I got it! I started thinking what was different since using the 3d editor a week ago. I remember that I changed controls after UAV's got here. I only changed the plane movement. And I remembered that q and z were for up and down on heli and increase thrust in plane. So I put q back to up and increase and z for the other. Then the 3D editor worked. So for anyone else who has this problem;

The camera controls for 3d editor are tied in to the plane and or helicopter controls.


Edited by Victim9l3

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