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[SP/MP] Bobs Armory on Altis

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I am presenting my first public mission here, my (yet) simple Armory


- All vehicles

- Several variants of the Offroad

- Drones

- Virtual Ammobox System (All weapons, items, clothing and ammo in game)

- Vehicle respawns

- Player respawns in Multiplayer (you can host it as a multiplayer mission to achieve that if you play alone too)

- Teleport system, just use the whiteboards

- Real Supply, Transport, CAS and Artillery support

- Parachute jump

- An enemy base to test your weapons on

- Several enemy patrols across the island

- TAW view distance script for sight adjustments

Future plans:

- Adding some mini missions like in the Armory of arma 2

- A shooting range

Screenshots (I have no idea why it always changes the IMG tag to URL...)

http://i.imgur.com/7VEn8ro.jpg (506 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/jWvqazP.jpg (578 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/hHyjSn4.jpg (607 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/h8ZDP50.jpg (620 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/HtyNqJg.jpg (643 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/JffvaA9.jpg (412 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/DI3jrzH.jpg (631 kB)

http://i.imgur.com/z5OaB8k.jpg (370 kB)


If you do not know how to switch between stable and dev branch there is a guide:



You can subscribe it in the steam workshop


Armaholic mirror:

Bob's Armory Co-x [bETA]

Dropbox mirror:



Thanks to

Tonic-_- ! for the VAS and TAW view distance script.

Tophe and Cpl.Hicks for the Vehicle respawn script.



UAV's and Jets are respawning now, TAW view distance script is added also.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Edited by Bobylein

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Hi Bob.thanks for making this mission.For some reason neither me or my friends were able to get it to work in multiplayer.

Even when loading up the mission in multiplayer it just has the singleplayer screen that let's you enable or disable ai and my friends can't join when i'm hosting.

as for idea's and suggestions i suggest adding spawn protection if you don't have it already!

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Thanks for feedback, yea Yesterday evening I had my frist chance to test it in multiplayer with my friends and noticed that problem myself, it's fixed now, the updated version is on steam workshop and in the dropbox, I will post a armaholic link when I found out how to update it there.

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Thanks Bob.I'll give it a try again tonight and i'll let you know if me or my friends have any feedback :)

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Thanks a lot man, exactly what i wanted to test out Altis with!

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after playing a while i have to say this is a real good armory.not perfect for my group but definitely the best armory for altis i've found at the moment.i did notice the teleporter got destroyed real easily so maybe moving it somewhere where it's less likely to get blasted.

also i tried adding the respawn module to the uavs but they wont respawn.

great work nonetheless! :)

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Yea the UAV's won't work with that respawn module and right now I am not good enough at scripting to make it work :/

Yes we noticed the same thing with the teleporters, thought they are still usable you just need to find them ;)

thanks for the feedback! :)

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nice mod, im vant to ask you can you add more enemy patrols ?


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nice mod, im vant to ask you can you add more enemy patrols ?


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nice mod, im vant to ask you can you add more enemy patrols ?


The problem is that more enenmy Patrols would add more lag to the mission, I am thinking about less but random generated patrols which are renewed when one gets destroyed.

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sight ajustment would be great. the visible range is very limited atm for verhicles and aircraft.

Cool Mission! nice to see what faction have. Shooting range would be great, also for vehicles (with teleport to see what is destroyed) and Artillerie will be awesome.

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Artillery is already in the mission and yea you are right about the sight adjustments, I am trying right now to implent TAW View Distance but it interference with VAS :/

Scratch that above, I did not notice it only works in MP so TAW view distance is now added to the mission :)

Edited by Bobylein

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Now that is support! ;)

I mean artillery for your mini missions you plan. For example in coop mode, there are some convoi comming to XY and you have all options free to destroy them. So i can use a tank, infantrie, artillery or other stuff to destroy them. Just to test the fuctions of each vehicle.

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Hmm not working anymore :(

Do you have any update plans for your armory? would be a shame for all this. was very cool to test things.

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Hmm not working anymore :(

Do you have any update plans for your armory? would be a shame for all this. was very cool to test things.

I just ran it in lan play; works for me.

You got it in mp folder?

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Yea I am still here, just right now that active in Arma^^ I updated the scenario some days ago, at least it should work now again and I added the new AAF vehicles.

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