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Player objective rewards in multiplier should be introduced.

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Players should be rewarded with additional money for kills of enemy factions or securing bases. As looting enemies is not always possible (eg. 1.5 km sniper kill or helicopter kill) kills should be rewarded and capturing spawn points for team also seems pointless without rewards. Alternatively introduce a team credit currency that can be used in stores and is acquired for being a team player. Looting was an excellent idea for dayz but in the end arma 3 is not a survival game its war.

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Agreed. There should be more of a intensive to actually kill the enemy, other than going for an objective.

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This is clearly up to the mission maker.

I 've player lots of missions that taking an objective/defending an objective gives you lot more points than killing an enemy.

Basically imo even the "point system" shouldn't have been existed-but "as is" it gives mission makers freedom to create any kind of "arcade-ish" stuff here..(which i won't blame)

For hardcore ARMA-niacs the utmost reward is "Do what you have been told to do-and get back home in 1 piece"

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