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Player id number

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Is there way I can get the Player ID Number by useing a script?

I can get the players name but, I want to get his ID number.



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i don't think there is a way.

in MP, open chat window, then type #userlist

it'll show id numbers as well as names.

if it's too long to read, open up chat window again and then use 'Page up' or 'PAge down' to scroll through texts.

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I would have told him that but I'm still not sure if that's what he meant.

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Yes this is the info I want but is there way to make a script to do this. I know about the #userlist command. What I'm looking for is like :

Name flagowner flag1

This shows who owner flag1. But I need the Player ID number. Like the one the #Userlist command give.


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