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Possible To Do Custom LoadOuts By UID?

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I was wondering if you can do it with like a _UIDArray or something. Kinda a noob at scripting So I can to the best place to fined help.

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This should do, adjust to your liking.

EDIT: More readable version down below

Edited by bob100101
forgot a };

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Thanks for this, I will see what I can do. Where did you get this form or did you just make it on the spot.

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Where did you get this form or did you just make it on the spot.

Made it just for you :D

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one last thing what is the line "_specialGats","_specialGatMags"

and If I wanted to add more loads who would I do that with the Whole Gat thing at the end.

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Revised for "readability"

"Gat" is slang for gun, I've changed it.

Also be advised, it's untested.

// by Bad_Bob

if (isServer) exitWith {};

private ["_uid","_player"];
_uid = getPlayerUID player;
_player = player;

//Note that this is global...
specialPeoples = 
notSoSpecialPeoples = 
admins = 

if ((_uid in specialPeoples) || (_uid in notSoSpecialPeoples) || (_uid in admins)) then
if (_uid in specialPeoples) then
	private ["_specialWeapons","_specialGatMags"];
	_specialWeapons =
	_specialGatMags = 

	for "_i" from 1 to 8 do 
			_player addMagazine _x;
		} forEach _specialMags;
	{_player addWeapon _x} forEach _specialWeapons;
	_player selectWeapon (primaryWeapon _player);
	[] spawn
		hint format ["Welcome Special Person."];
		sleep 5;
		hint format ["Primary Weapon: AK-74M SD Kobra. Pistol: Tokarev"];
		sleep 5;
		hint format [""];
if (_uid in notSoSpecialPeoples) then
	private ["_notSoSpecialWeapons","_notSoSpecialMags"];
	_notSoSpecialWeapons =
	_notSoSpecialMags =
	for "_i" from 1 to 8 do
			_player addMagazine _x;
		} forEach _notSoSpecialMags;
	{_player addWeapon _x} forEach _specialWeapons;
	_player selectWeapon (primaryWeapon player);
	[] spawn
		hint format ["Welcome Non-Special Person"];
		sleep 5;
		hint format ["Primary Weapon: Grease Gun. Pistol: Makarov"];
		sleep 5;
		hint format [""];
if (_uid in admins) then
	private ["adminWeapons","_adminMags"];
	_adminWeapons =
	_adminMags =
	for "_i" from 1 to 8 do
			player addMagazine _x
		} forEach _adminMags;
	{_player addWeapon _x} forEach _adminWeapons;
	[] spawn 
		hint format ["Welcome Administrator"];
		sleep 5;
		hint format ["Primary Weapon: M16A4 EOT. Pistol: USP45 Tactical"];
		sleep 5;
		hint format [""];
if ( !(_uid in specialPeoples) && !(_uid in notSoSpecialPeoples) && !(_uid in admins)) then 
private ["_defaultGat","_defaultMags"];
_defaultGat = 
_defaultMags = 
for "_i" from 1 to 8 do
		_player addMagazine _x
	} forEach _defaultMags;
{_player addWeapon _x} forEach _defaultGat;
[] spawn
	hint format ["Welcome BK Randie"];
	sleep 5;
	hint format ["Primary Weapon: AK-103 Pistol: L9A1"];
	sleep 5;
	hint format [""];

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