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DayZ Outbreak

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Hello everyone I have currently started working on the DayZ Outbreak Mod.

I am currently the only one on the project. As I know I can do a lot on my own it would be very helpful to get ideas, suggestions, help from the community members. If you would like to be part of the Dev team or want to suggest features please put them in your response below.

If you can do any of the following tasks and want to be a part of our Dev team. Drop us a comment below.

Graphical Designer [taken but still open of more members]

Map/Island Creator [open]

Advertisement [taken but still open for more members]

Coder/programmer [open]

Ideas [always open for more members]

All Dev members will get alpha, beta access for their self and a few friends.

All you have to do to apply for a part of the Dev team is leave a comment down below or drop me a personal message. Want to see something in dayZ that nobody has seen yet? Leave me a personal message and I'll see what I can do.


Bainbridge Island in Seattle WA [WIP]

Many many civilian vehicles

Dynamic city based spawns and buildings

Much much more

Please leave your comments below and if you want to be part of the Dev team let me know in the comments.

Thanks you everyone for your time.

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