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Re-naming Inventory Items

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Heya - can anybody tell me - is there an easy way to re-name items in the inventory? For instance, I've re-textured some uniforms and I want to re-name them on the inventory screen. Any suggestions? Also, is there a way to change the picture?

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Ah, that's great - thanks matey. I was wondering though, I'm trying to make a MP template without mods :p. Just because it makes it more appealing for people intending to join the server. Is there any way at all you can change this without resorting to an add-on? If not, no probs! I was just curious if it could be done! I realise I'm probably asking the impossible.

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The way I'm approaching it for my mission is to create an inventory GUI which I will replace the default one. This allows for items to be renamed and also add new items, although the downside is it's somewhat time consuming and difficult and new items don't have a 3D model.

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That's interesting underdaoath - is this something you can achieve without a mod or an add-on? For instance, if you were using it for an MP mission would you be able to play the mission without any additional downloads?

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Coding - that add-on you've given me the link for - is it possible to change item names on it? So I guess, basically, outside of changing the GUI or using an add-on, there's no way one can alter item names - neither with a script or a .sqf file or anything easy like that?

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In the addon you simply can set the names if you unpbo it you can see that.

There might be a way for you. But it is definitive complicated...

You need to find the InventoryDisplay, cycle through all items in it and change the names + icons for the item if it is the item, you edited.

some hint what I mean:

((uiNamespace getVariable "hg_hudDayZ") displayCtrl 55521) ctrlSetText format ["HGF\media\hud\status_temp_%1_ca.paa", _n];

((uiNamespace getVariable "hg_hudDayZ") displayCtrl 55521) ctrlSetTextColor [_r/255, _g/255, _b/255, 1];

Maybe this works but I can not promise it...

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Okay Coding, cheers - I'll try that add-on. I think anything else is a bit beyond me!

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