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Init in the 3D editor?

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I have been trying to use the super secret incomplete 3D editor and I am wondering if there is any workable init in the unit properties. I want to use "this setunitpos "middle";" So I can make sure that when I set a unit down he will be able to shoot without hitting the object/wall in front of him. Like aiming out a window. I see there is a "init expression" box but anytime I put something in that box my unit is either not there or invisible.

I could also use it to edit the weapon loadouts and various other things.

and what is the "can collide" option?


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Here what I suggest is when you place whatever object down in the 3d editor, name the variable so you can find it. Now once you save the file there will be a mission.sqf file inside the mission folder. Open up that file and search for the object. If you named it you should be able to find it easily. This is how the code would look

_unit_0 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = _group_0 createUnit ["US_Soldier_TL_EP1", [3732.438, 3622.7124, 0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _unit_0 = _this;
 _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
 _this setVehicleVarName "example";
 example = _this;
 if (true) then {_group_0 selectLeader _this;};
 if (true) then {selectPlayer _this;};
 if (true) then {setPlayable _this;};
*****To edit anything about this particular unit*********
 _this setUnitPos "MIDDLE";

The "CAN COLLIDE" option is a how you could make the object start. Either start "FLYING" at the beginning or in a formation(FORM) or another option is "NONE". I typically don't touch the CAN COLLIDE option unless I want to make a helicopter fly at the beginning of the mission.

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Thanks for the help. I was hoping there was a way to do this in the editor so I can see if I even want to put them there. If my soldier isn't high enough in a middle stance, then I won't bother putting him there. So if I have to edit it the way you suggest, I would be going back and forth all the time, taking 2 or 3 times longer. But I can still use the code you gave for a way to make sure everything is good. Thanks

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Thanks for the help. I was hoping there was a way to do this in the editor so I can see if I even want to put them there. If my soldier isn't high enough in a middle stance, then I won't bother putting him there. So if I have to edit it the way you suggest, I would be going back and forth all the time, taking 2 or 3 times longer. But I can still use the code you gave for a way to make sure everything is good. Thanks
It's hassle but it's worth sometimes.

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