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Count Mines layed as a Mission Target

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Hi everyone =)

I started to make a Coop-Mission, where one of the targets is laying a little minefield in a sector. I can detect named mines, deactivated in a trigger like (MineDeactivated or !mineactive mine1, mine2, mine3 etc.). But my problem is the opposite now. When the Explosive Specialist in my group lays his mines at the target-area, I can´t get a Trigger to count the amount of layed mines, so I could fire the Trigger off to move on.

Can anybody give me a hint on doing this?

Thank you.


Edited by BennetArms

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this addEventHandler ["fired", {
if (_this select 2 == "DemoChargeMuzzle") then {
	hint "Placed a charge!"

Change DemoChargeMuzzle for whichever type of mine you were wanting to check for.

BoundingMineRangeMuzzle, DirectionalMineRangeMuzzle, MineMuzzle, PipeBombMuzzle and so on.

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Thank you for that quick reply and your help Kylania.

It works on my Explosive specialist. Now I only need to know, how the trigger gets fired, if my Soldier lays 3 MineMuzzle. So that the Taskstatus, that is linked to the Trigger, where the mines are layed, change to success.

I try something like "{_x in thisList} count "MineMuzzle" > 3"

Please forgive me, if this don´t make any sense, as I am new to editing. I thought, Arma 3 would be a good start to get on with editing ;)

Edited by BennetArms

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hmm. So you want to know when 3+ mines have been laid in a trigger? Does it really matter who puts them there?

Trigger condition of:

{["mine_", str(_x)] call BIS_fnc_inString} count (thisTrigger nearObjects 10) > 2

That'll detect 3 or more placed mines within 10 meters of the trigger regardless of who placed them. No need for the eventHandler from above.

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Thank you Kylania!

My Trigger fired off right away, as i layed the third mine. You saved my Mission-Idea and propably my evening :D

And your right, it doesnt really matter who is laying the mine, as long as the job is done ;)

Edited by BennetArms

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To explain the solution, it looks like placed mine don't have classnames so isKindOf and typeOf wouldn't help us. They are just: 12314: mine_ap.p3d or something as their result in nearObjects. So I just took the near objects, turned each result into a string and compared to see if "mine_" was in it. If so chances are you have a mine! :)

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