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Multiplayer halo example

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(I've also posted this at the OFPEC.com forums)

I've seen several HALO scripts and such, and maybe I've missed it but I haven't seen one that can be used over and over again in a multiplayer mission. I've created an example mission to show what I've come up with and maybe others can put it to good use. I've put it in my CH and CTF missions and it's pretty cool to freefall and then deploy the chute right onto someone's flag.


Each soldier that you want to have the ability to HALO must have a trigger in the game that will exec the trigger when they are alive. Just look at the triggers in the mission to see. I've made this example with NATO, Soviets, and Res.

HALO.sqs, HALODrop.sqs and HALOChute.sqs are the scripts that are used.

Basically when you get above 200m altitude, the HALO Drop action appears on your menu. If you dip below 200m while in the chopper, then it disappears.

Click on the HALO Drop action and you will freefall. Click Deploy Chute to open your parachute when you're ready. 75m seems to be the safest although I've managed a bit lower.

There is an altimeter that keeps track of your altitude while you are falling so you can have an approximate idea of how high you are.

Get the example mission here:


I've tested it a bit, and it seems to work well. You can also command AI to HALO drop, so long as they have a trigger that activates it for them.

This should be compatible with any mission, just copy the trigger and scripts to that mission, and make sure to name the soldiers. I've named them W1 thru W16 for NATO and E1-E16 and R1-R16 for Soviets and Res, respectively.

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I checked this out today and its nice, ive been looking for a good mp compatible halo script for a while. Good work.

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I updated it and changed some very minor things that may not make a difference.

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