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The 1337th

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The 1337th

Information and Mission Statement

Hello and welcome to The 1337th server. We are a new server and I hope to found a friendly community dedicated to both having a good time with the Arma series and continuing to work towards our main goal.

You might be wondering, what's up with the name? 1337th? Well, originally I named the server that as a joke, but I've come to like the name as it sort of represents what it is about: if you ignore what the numbers spell, the name looks similar to many of the realism units in Arma. This similarity represents that like realism units, we enjoy an organized game experience when possible. However, the "1337" part shows that above all, we want to have a good time, and not take things super seriously.

Our Goal

The 1337th's primary goal is to expose players to team-based gaming in Arma 2 and its popular mods. I've been playing Arma for some time now, and Day Z before that, and I enjoy both. But I've actually found that a lot of Day Z players have never really played regular Arma 2, or any of its mods like ACE, ACRE, and Invasion '44. What I hope to achieve is a community to fill the gap between Day Z and Arma, and slowly introduce players fresh from Day Z to the fun people have in more organized Arma gameplay.


Personally, I prefer to play on servers running both ACE and ACRE. However, I don't expect many Day Z players to jump from vanilla to ACE on their own, so we will likely be running an unmodded server most of the time, and playing with ACE/ACRE during weekend sessions. I also plan to have Invasion 44 sessions as well, probably just whenever people feel like playing the mod.

As part of our goals, we will also help people get their mods working. I'm not an expert on this, but I do know how to get things installed (utilizing Six Updater) and some of the problems people frequently run into. There will be a forum section dedicated to installation guides for the mods we use and also an area where people can post with problems they are having.


I don't have a system for membership drawn up yet, but it will be fairly simple to join up (possibly a short application). If you're not interested in becoming a member that's fine as well, you can still play in regular sessions. The server will be private during these times, but I will post the password here on the website, so that anyone can join if they are really interested in playing.

I'll have more information and plans up on the forums in the coming week, including what times our gaming sessions will be. Stay tuned, and hopefully I'll see you in-game!

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