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1-75th Ranger Regiment | Military Simulation | ArmA 3/ArmA 2 | Now Recruiting

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We do not skimp on any aspect of the US Military or the 75th Rangers. If you are looking for an authentic realism experience, Head to our website or teamspeak and speak with a recruiter immediately. We have rules and regulations in place to protect all members involved so we can keep your milsim experience as authentic as possible.


Fort Benning is the 75th Ranger Regiment's primary location for all ranger activity. We also host 160th SOAR, which is our Special Operations Aviation Regiment, at Fort Benning as well. It contains Mortar training, Rifle range, Grenade range, Obstacle course, Buddy team fire, Moving target, Pistol range, SMG range, and more!

ArmA 3/2

We are primarily an ArmA 3 Realism Unit. We use arma 2 for our training and operations due to ACE/ACRE being stable and working. ArmA 3 is for recruiting and things of that nature. We still do operations on ArmA 3..I mean come on, have you seen the house clearing motions now :)


We only utilize the best servers possible. We never use or own "slot" servers at all.

Our dedicated server boasts a 100Mbps line, 8 gigs of ram, and a 6 core processor! with a low ping, solid frames, and great missions/maps, we have servers that are ranked in the top 70 on ArmA 3! If you would like to check out the server, Filter for: =75R= or 75th


Since we are a unit that strives for excellence, we want to put our unit of dedicated soldiers up against anyone! We believe in training and team building rather than yelling and bossing around. We utilize ranks and billets to keep everything in order and in line.


Must be 16 or older, Younger members need to be interviewed

Working microphone

Team speak 3

Arma 3 and arma 2: Combines Operations

Willing to learn

Willing to follow orders

Contact Us

Website: Click here to check out the website Sign up on the forums so you can ask questions or get ahold of someone.

Team Speak: ts3.75thrangersarma.com


Please remember, we are imitating the 75th ranger regiment. The level of respect we require is on a higher level than any other clan/unit you will find. We understand what the brave men and women do for us and our country, and we enjoy providing a military simulation unit to others, so that they can also share in our passion for our country. We do not take disrespect lightly, especially trolls and others who seek to disrespect the REAL unit, or our MILSIM unit.

We look forward to further your milsim career with us.



Regiment Commander

Dagger 6


Edited by Emartinez

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