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ScalpelOne "Down in the Valley, So Low!" Single and Multi Player

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Here's my new update V2.0 for the new released ArmA 3. I hope you enjoy it.

From ScalpelOne "Down In the Valley, So Low!"Version 2.0


Description: Western forces have moved onto Stratis and secured the airfield as well as several firebases. The southernmost firebase, "LZ Connor" was over run two nights ago by Opfor. Earlier tonight, one of our Helios was shot down in a deep valley near there. As of last report, the four crew members were alive. You and your team are tasked with their extraction.


A Western forces Single player and a Multiplayer Coop for 1 - 5 players

Night play

Opfor and Civilian insurgences


Covert Rescue mission

Allied Informant



The whole mission has been worked on to run with the release of Arma 3. All issues have now been fixed.


Tweaked some in game elements for better game play and to keep up with beta changes.


Fixed bug so now everyone should spawn with a gun if you install required mods

Fixed tasks assignment so now everyone gets them

Fixed Hostage and Informant Join so now they will join to any member of the group

Fixed Hostages who will now be able to be taken over by player in SP

Gave group a Grenadier with a M16/grenade launcher

Now all Western forces have M4’s or M16’s

Added new damaged helicopter and crash site images

Mission now starts at 3:50am instead of 4:05am

Added new pics to mission screen

Known issues:

There should be no issues with release V2.0

When opening backpack error for m16 not having pic of weapon with silencer. This should only happen first time you open your pack.

Upon dying shows Error undefined variable in expression: btc_back _pack_weap

On revive shows Error No entry “bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.â€

These will not interrupt game except to click off them.


If you encounter any bug or problem with the mission, or you have comments, please contact me Steam ArmA 3 Workshop or via Bohemia Interactive forums.

I hope you enjoy this mission. I tried to create a scenario that is set in quite realistic conditions. This mission will hopefully, become a part of a campaign set that I am currently working on.

Credits & thanks:

=BTC= Revive

Mk18 Pack [bETA]

Sham’s M16 Pack [bETA]


FHQ Accessories mods


Down load from ArmA 3 Workshop


MediaFire Download

Single Player file "Vanilla" original weapons:



Multi Player file modded weapons:


Requirements for multi coop mission: Available from: ArmA 3 Workshop

Mk18 Pack [bETA]

Sham’s M16 Pack [bETA]

Must use the alternate cfg file that comes with this pack so you can use addons from the MK18 Pack.

FHQ Accessories pack [bETA]

For multi-player =BTC= Revive

Edited by ScalpelOne
New Version 2.0 for New release of ArmA 3

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