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Recoil Modding : Recoil Mod Fix 2.0

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I would like to enhance my mod.

While playing with LMG from GREEN and RED side, I noticed the recoil for the Mk200 and Zafir is really wrong and way softer than for MX SW.

Zafir is 7.62 mm and should be not that controlable. Mk200 has a high ROF with the caliber of MX SW and should climb some more.

I would like to tweak recoil per weapon, or at least per ammo type.

I found a tutorial to modify hit point :

class CfgPatches


// I copied this from the config.bin of the weapon pbo.

class A3_Weapons_F


units[] = {""};

weapons[] = {""};

requiredVersion = 0.1;

requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F","A3_UI_F","A3_Anims_F","A3_Anims_F_Config_Sd"};



class CfgAmmo


// CfgAmmo is where ammo properties are defined.

// 65x39 bullet inherits properties from BulletBase

// BulletBase inherits from BulletCore

// BulletCore inherits from Default

// They must all be declared.

class Default;

class BulletCore;

class BulletBase;

class B_65x39_Caseless: BulletBase


hit = 1; // Change the power of bullets to 1 from 10.

// If you're not changing something, there's no need to add it here.

// That is the point of inheritance.



Could someone guide me the way to change recoil for the weapons I related ?

CfgRecoil or something ? what are the classname ? I think it's not that complex...

Thank you in advance.

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