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help getting model to animate in game

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so im trying to animate a gate. ive created the everything in the model needed and it animates in buldozer but I can not get the selection box to pop up in game saying "open gate".

ive tried just about everything so I figured id see if anyone sees anything im missing.


class CfgSkeletons
class Default {
	isDiscrete = 1;
	skeletonInherit = "";
	skeletonBones[] = {};
class zavora_2_Bones: Default 
			skeletonInherit = "";
			skeletonBones[] = 
class rotation;
class CfgModels
	class Default;
	class zavora_2: Default
                sectionsInherit = "";
	  sections[] = {};
	  skeletonName = "zavora_2_Bones";
                                   class Animations {
				   class Door : Rotation
					         type = "rotation";
					         source = "user";
					         animPeriod = 3;
					          selection = "Door";
					          axis = "Door_Axis";
	                                                                 sourceAddress = "clamp";
					         memory = 1;
					          angle0 = 0;
					         angle1 = 1.18;

main config:

#define TEast 0 
#define TWest 1 
#define TGuerrila 2 
#define TCivilian 3 
#define TSideUnknown 4 
#define TEnemy 5 
#define TFriendly 6 
#define TLogic 7 

#define true 1 
#define false 0 

// type scope 
#define private 0 
#define protected 1 
#define public 2 

//Class buildings : config.bin{
class CfgPatches
class misc
 units[] = {"zavora_2"};
 weapons[] = {};
 requiredVersion = 0.1;
 requiredAddons[] = {"CAData","CABuildings","CAMisc"};
class CfgVehicleClasses 
class zavora_2
 displayName = "Gate";
class CfgVehicles
class Strategic;
class Land_zavora_2: Strategic
	scope = public;
	model = "\smd_sahrani_artif_obj\buildings\misc\zavora_2.p3d";
	displayName = "Gate";
	vehicleClass = "zavora_2";
	icon = "\ca\data\data\Unknown_object";
	nameSound = "";
	animated = true;
	accuracy = 0.2;
	cost = 0;
	armor = 150;
	mapSize = 7.5;
	class AnimationSources
		class Door {
			   	source = "user";
				animPeriod = 3;
				initPhase = 0;
	class UserActions
		class OpenDoor
			displayName = "Open Gate";
			position = "Door_Button";
			radius = 2;
			onlyForPlayer = true;
			condition = "this animationPhase ""Door"" > 0.5";
			statement = "this animate [""Door"", 0]";
		class CloseDoor: OpenDoor
			displayName = "Close Gate";
			condition = "this animationPhase ""Door"" <= 0.5";
			statement = "this animate [""Door"", 1]";




problem solved. I never put the configs in the island folder. they work as should now

Edited by M1lkm8n

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