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Triggers and getMarkerColor

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I'm wondering if there is a simple way to get a trigger to activate by checking to see when a marker changes color.

Lets say that the original marker (mrk1) is default "black". At this marker there is a trigger (trg1) that changes the color of the marker to blue if blufor is in the area. Also, there is an additional trigger (trg2) that changes the color to "red" if opfor is in the area.

So, is there a way to create a third (trg3) and fourth trigger(trg4) (one for blufor, one for opfor) that are "mission end" triggers that check to see what color the marker is? My hope would be that I can somehow utilize the "getMarkerColor" command within the "conitions field" to perform this.

Ultimately there would be several capture areas, and the trg3 and trg4 would be looking for several markers to become either blue or red, as the case may be.

I have the color changing working properly, just can't get a mission end trigger to work.

Apologies if this is confusing, having a little bit of trouble getting this into words...

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trig cond

markerColor "mk1" == "colorred"

there is also a sector control module now that should do most of what you want.

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Cool. I'll play around with that condition, and do some research on the module.

Thank you

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