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Miroslaw Kowalski

Thermal Scope for Helicopter

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I've made a police version of the MH-9. Now i want him to have a Thermal Scope like the commander of the Stryder has. It should be used by the copilot and attached at the lower front of the heli.

The config of the police helicopter looks like this so far:

destructengine = 2,
destructdefault = 6,
destructwreck = 7,
destructtree = 3,
destructtent = 4,
stabilizedinaxisx = 1,
stabilizedinaxesxyz = 4,
stabilizedinaxisy = 2,
stabilizedinaxesboth = 3,
destructno = 0,
stabilizedinaxesnone = 0,
destructman = 5,
destructbuilding = 1

class DefaultEventhandlers;

class CfgPatches
class A3_Soft_F_Police_Heli_01
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Air_F"};

class CfgVehicles
class B_Heli_Light_01_F;

class Heli_Police_Light_01 : B_Heli_Light_01_F
	author = "Buster";
	_generalMacro = "B_Heli_Light_01_F";
	displayName = "Police Helicopter";
	scope = 2;
	crew = "Police_Pilot_F";
	side = 2;
	faction = "GREEK_POLICE";
	transportMaxWeapons = 3;
	transportMaxMagazines = 15;

	class TransportItems
		class _xx_Vests
			name = "V_TacVest_blk_POLICE";
			count = 3;
		class _xx_FirstAidKits
			name = "FirstAidKit";
			count = 3;
		class _xx_GPS
			name = "ItemGPS";
			count = 1;

	class TransportMagazines
		class _xx_SMGMagazines
			magazine = "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01";
			count = 12;
		class _xx_SniperMagazines
			magazine = "20Rnd_762x51_Mag";
			count = 3;

	class TransportWeapons
		class _xx_SMGs
			weapon = "SMG_01_F";
			count = 2;
		class _xx_Sniper
			weapon = "srifle_EBR_SOS_F";
			count = 1;

	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"policemod\police_heli\data\heli_police_light_01_ext_co.paa"};



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