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IA mortars random target

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I'd like to make IA mortars firing on random positions in a defined area (like in a marker), but I've got no clue how to do that ?! I know there are scripts to simulate artillery firing in a zone but I'd like real IAs firing and not "fake" artillery...

Thanks in advance ! :)

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look at Rarek's Invade and Annex 2 code. in the file /sm/priorityTargets.sqf around line ~180-250

he is gettting a random playableUnits not in a vehicle as target and radius of 80 meters random, going down to be more precise every shot, simulating error and trial from the mortar team.

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Ok, thanks ! I'll try that :)

---------- Post added at 01:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:21 AM ----------

I've tried a quick script and it seems to be working fine :)

Here's the script

_unit = _this select 0;
_target = _this select 1;
while {alive gunner _unit} do {
_rounds=round(random 2);
_time=round(random 15);
_randomPos = [[[getPos _target, 100]]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;
_unit commandArtilleryFire [_randomPos, "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells", _rounds];
sleep _time;
if (!alive gunner _unit) exitWith {};

Edited by yoannis1995

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that look like the most straight forward way to do it.

in Rarek script he was turning the mortar vehicle toward the (random) position of target first. I don't know if it is a must, or just esthetic. (I can tell it makes the gunner moving and a little less easy to shoot though, cause in his mission, you have to shoot them)

happy to see that you have something to build on. :-)



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that look like the most straight forward way to do it.

in Rarek script he was turning the mortar vehicle toward the (random) position of target first. I don't know if it is a must, or just esthetic. (I can tell it makes the gunner moving and a little less easy to shoot though, cause in his mission, you have to shoot them)

happy to see that you have something to build on. :-)



Yeah in my mission too you're supposed to shoot at them but anyway when they fire on the position they will turn toward the position automaticly so I don't see how it changes anything ?!

---------- Post added at 12:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 AM ----------

I've done another script where one IA is not assign as gunner of a mortar yet so I've go to move him in at some point of the mission so I use that:

if (alive mor3) then {
mor3 assignAsGunner mortar3;
[mor3] orderGetIn true;
} else {
if (alive mor4) then {
mor4 assignAsGunner mortar3;
[mor4] orderGetIn true;};

where mortar3 is the empty mortar and mor3 and mor4 are the 2 possible gunners.

Then I'm calling that script:

_unit = _this select 0;
_target = _this select 1;
if (alive mor3) then {
waitUntil {gunner _unit == mor3};
} else {
if (alive mor4) then {
waitUntil {gunner _unit == mor4};};};
while {alive gunner _unit} do {
_rounds=round(random 2);
_time=(round(random 15))+5;
_randomPos = [[[getPos _target, 200]]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;
_unit commandArtilleryFire [_randomPos, "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells", _rounds];
sleep _time;
if (!alive gunner _unit) exitWith {};

So the IA gets in the mortar but doesn't fire any rounds... And I can't find the problem...

Any ideas ?!

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