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[GLT] Legislator

Question about texture replacement vs. saving harddisc space

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Hi there,

I'm looking for a way to apply a basic texture on civilians via hidden selections. However the texture should be altered a little bit for each civilian (like a new layer on the civ). This is what I wanna achieve:

jsXISVUBLHC5w_xs.jpg - jVqQMPDYTRIb4_xs.jpg

My goal is to create basket balls team from Everon, Malden, Nogova, Sahrani, Chernarus, Takistan and Limnos. I'd like to create ten player per team leading to a total amount of 70 player textures. While it would be easy to apply a texture to each civilian, it would also increase the filesize to a huge extent.

Would it be possible to define a basic texture for each team and some kind of new layer for the numbers?

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You could always create seperate faces where you want the number / flag to be and then assign certain textures to those faces only. That way you could have a base texture for each team and then have the numbers (as you said 1 to 10) in seperate texture files and assign them to the face where the number should be (hiddenSelection).

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thanks for the first help. How are the face textures related to the body textures? I already created an own face for testing purposes once:

class CfgFaces {

class Default {
	/*extern*/ class Custom;

class Man_A3: Default {

	class GLT_Deadface: Default {
		displayname = "$STR_GLT_Face_Dead";
		texture = "\glt_heads\Data\glt_face_dead.paa";
		head = "DefaultHead_A3";
		identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "Head_Euro"};
		material = "\A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\m_White_01.rvmat";
		disabled = 0;
		textureHL = "\A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_White_bald_co.paa";
		materialHL = "\A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_White_bald_muscular.rvmat";
		textureHL2 = "\A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_White_bald_co.paa";
		materialHL2 = "\A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_White_bald_muscular.rvmat";


But I still had to apply a separate texture for the body

class cfgWeapons {
/*extern*/ class U_C_Poloshirt_blue;    
class GLT_Poloshirt_Dead: U_C_Poloshirt_blue {
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "$STR_GLT_Poloshirt_Dead";
	picture = "\glt_items\ui\glt_icon_shirt_dead_ca.paa";
	model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver";

	class ItemInfo: UniformItem {
		uniformModel = "-";
		uniformClass = "GLT_Civilian_Dead";
		containerClass = "Supply10";
		mass = 60;

class CfgVehicles {
     /*extern*/ class C_man_1;
     class GLT_Civilian_Dead: C_man_1 {
	side = 3;
	displayName = "$STR_GLT_Civilian_Dead";
	author = "[GLT]Legislator";
	hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
	uniformClass = "U_C_Commoner1_1";
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\glt_items\poloshirts\glt_poloshirt_dead.paa"};
	faceType = "Man_A3";
	identityTypes[] = {"GLT_Deadface"};
	linkedItems[] = {"GLT_Poloshirt_Dead", "ItemMap", "ItemWatch"};
	respawnLinkedItems[] = {"GLT_Poloshirt_Dead", "ItemMap", "ItemWatch"};

Can you please provide me an example?

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The whole afternoon I tried something different - one basic texture and the numbers with transparency, but with no success so far :(

	class GLT_Civilian_Basketball_Sahrani_Base: C_man_1 {
	_generalMacro = "GLT_Civilian_Basketball_Sahrani";
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "Player Base Test";
	hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
	uniformClass = "GLT_Poloshirt_Basketball_Sahrani";
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\glt_items\poloshirts\glt_poloshirt_basketball_sahrani_co.paa"};

	class Wounds {
		tex[] = {};
		mat[] = {"A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth1.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth1_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth1_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth2.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth2_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth2_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth3.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth3_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth3_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth4.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth4_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth4_injury.rvmat", "A3\characters_f\civil\data\c_poloshirt.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_poloshirt_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_poloshirt_injury.rvmat", "A3\characters_f\common\data\coveralls.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\coveralls_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\coveralls_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat"};

class GLT_Civilian_Basketball_Sahrani_1: GLT_Civilian_Basketball_Sahrani_Base {
	scope = 2;
	displayname = "Player (No. 1)";
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\glt_items\poloshirts\glt_no1_ca.paa"};
	linkedItems[] = {"GLT_Poloshirt_Basketball_Sahrani", "V_Rangemaster_belt", "ItemMap", "ItemWatch"};
	respawnLinkedItems[] = {"GLT_Poloshirt_Basketball_Sahrani", "V_Rangemaster_belt", "ItemMap", "ItemWatch"};			

glt_poloshirt_basketball_sahrani_co.paa is my basic texture without the numbers. glt_no1_ca.paa is my texture file with an alpha channel. The texture is loaded ingame, however with no transparency and my basic texture was overwritten. Any help is much appreciated.

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When FreakJoe say faces I think he means polygon faces, the BIS models are locked so you will not be able to add faces. I suppose you could model a new vest which would basically be two polygons to which you can apply the textures.

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Oh, wait. Yeah, looks like I was a bit unclear there. I was talking about polygons. I completely forgot that the BI models are locked. I'm really sorry.

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Oh ok, that's actually a good idea. I just checked the vests with dsl gear selector. There is civilian vest available yet, so I guess I have to wait until this feature is available.

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