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"end1" call BIS_fnc_endMission; problem and hide radio

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I got a problem with "end1" call BIS_fnc_endMission;. And I can´t figure out why. I want it to activate when the vehicle "boat" enters the trigger and only when some other triggers first have been activated.. But now it automatic activates itself directly in the beginning of the mission. Even if no unit is in the damn trigger.

in the trigger i got:

Type: blufor


con: "end1" call BIS_fnc_endMission;

(I use it for the moment just to check if it will activate if only blufor enter it. But it does even if the blufor is there or not.) The only way I can get the trigger not to automatic trigger itself directly. If i change the type to som of the radio. Like radio alpha then the trigger will not activate from after that.

My second question is how to make a radio name be invisible to after some task is completed. I want after the first task is completed it will be ready to call for a extraction. Now i have done it so the radiotrigger will not activate from the first task is completed. But the "call for extraction" in the radio meny is displayed direct from the start even if i can´t use it. So I don´t want it to be vissible at first.

Sorry for bad english and hope you all understand :confused:

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this && triggerActivated otherTriggerName


["End1", true, true] call BIS_fnc_endMission;

To hide a Radio Trigger in init.sqf put:

1 setRadioMsg "NULL";

1 for Alpha, 2 for Bravo and so on.

Then when extraction is available:

1 setRadioMsg "Call for extraction";

This demo mission shows this in practice.

Edited by kylania

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Thanks!! good mission, will look on it more but just one more question about ["End1", true, true] call BIS_fnc_endMission;. What does the "true, true" stands for? have seen in the demo that you also have one trigger, "["Lose",false,true]"

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The first true is if it's a win or a loss. The second true means 'do the arma3 camera effect thing'.

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