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Looking for someone with Arma 2 modelling experience

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I am a part of a small RP community and we are looking to buy your service of porting one or several models to use in our mission.

Enterable buildings

You could either port finished models from Google SketchUp via Blender (we will arrange licensing/permissions to port the models) or design your own.

The buildings should have door animations.

  • Police station (with a lookout/guard tower), surrounding fence with main gate
  • Prison (with upto 6 jail cells)
  • Bank (with enterable vault/safe)


  • Porting of several Forza 3 car models (we will arrange licensing/permissions to port the models)

Please PM me if you are interested and want to get more information.

You are welcome to contact me if you already have your own models and want to license them for use on our mission even if they are already used by some other mission.

All authors will be credited properly. Payment can be made via PayPal or bank wire transfers.

About the project

Please note that this is a non-profit project. We may be accepting donations later on but only to cover the server hosting costs. We would not be giving in-game awards to people who donated. We got tired of playing Takistan Life and wanted to bump up reality factor. There is already at least one such server out there but we feel that there is room for many more. We are using iniDB for stats saving and have our own web PHP user control panel to allow staff members to modify player stats via web, as well allowing players to view their own stats etc. If you are interested in joining us, feel free to send me a PM. Currently we are looking for people with Arma 2 modelling experience, but if you are a programmer, it would not hurt to have a few more on-board.

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