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Combine two vests?

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I have a question, would it be possible, to lets say, merge two vests in-game. For example use the Rangemaster belt and the Carrier Rig, at the same time, combined. Would you have to create a new p3d model or edit one? Would It be possible since the models are binarized? Or can you do this with just pure configurations?

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i think you have to make a new model but you can pick up both models in the edit program and fuse them

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i think you have to make a new model but you can pick up both models in the edit program and fuse them


I have a question, would it be possible, to lets say, merge two vests in-game. For example use the Rangemaster belt and the Carrier Rig, at the same time, combined. Would you have to create a new p3d model or edit one? Would It be possible since the models are binarized? Or can you do this with just pure configurations?

you would need create a new model yourself, since a3 p3ds are binarized. cannot be done solely via configs, no.

Edited by PuFu

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