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I want my synchronization / scripts to work after respawns in MP

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I want my synchronization / scripts to work after respawns in MP

Hi, I am making some sandb0x maps for my friends and I just to just play around.

The problem I have is that several scripts, the ones who require some code lines in the unit's ini field ) are not working after a respawn.

From what I understand the respawn scripts spawns a brand new player without the earlier synchronization or reload of ini codes.

How to reload that? is there a global code to fix this or is it a unique code per scripts? I am sure I am not alone with this issue.

I want my lift script to work more than one life, I want my airdrop and heli transeport to work all the time of course =)

Forexample, a synch issue that require no scripts;

I have followed this setup: (


- standard use of heli extract default in Arma3.

Player connects to support requester - support provider helicopter - invisible helipad + chopper. F5 and synch these together.

This workes fine but if I play multiplayer it is usally just me who can use it, I assume I just need to synch other players on map but the main problem is after a respawn, the option is completly gone.

I assume this becouse the game spawns a new player without the old synchronization.

Any way to fix this easely? reload it somehow? Same with scripts loaded from ini field.

If you are curious or just a saint you can have a look here;


Load map in editor:


( The map above has several working scrips like; attach explosives to a boat under water, global cleanup script, heli lift script, VAS, airdrop and so on )

- but several of them is dead after I have been dead.

... Like I put a VAS in a chopper, if it chrashes and respawns, the ammobox is gone..

Please help a gamer who loves this game but with minimal coding experience, you will be rewarded in your next respawn.. eh -- life :)


Edited by hatzville

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in your init.sqf you need to add an event handler for respawning

player addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", {code}];

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player addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn",{_this execVM "onRespawn.sqf"}];


waitUntil {alive player};

///then rest of your code etc...

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