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Returning fog array

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Is it currently not possible to return the values of the new fog system?

The old "fog" command only returns the fogvalue. Here's the stuff that I tried so far, fogdecay as an example:

_currentfog = [(fog select 0),(fog select 1),(fog select 2)];
_fogdecay = (fog select 1);
_fogdecay = fogdecay;
_fogdecay = fog "fogdecay";     // tried this because of how one can return a value of a unit's skill array :)

Unsurprisingly, none of that works.

I spend quite a lot of time searching the internets, the only thing I found was a BI reference page about a command called fog2. There was also some interesting information about setfog.

Anyways - all that information is about VBS2 and fog2 does not return anything in Arma 3.

Has anyone figured out how to return the fog array? I'm ready to facepalm myself if the answer is simple

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