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Custom dialogs appear transparent for no reason

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I've ported over a mission from arma 2 and all the dialog boxes are really transparent, to the point there are hard to even notice. I tried the GUI editor on A3 too and even there simply making a dialog with an image it is transparent.

Any idea on why this is happening?

Here is my dialog:

class RscText
   access = 0;
   type = 0;
   idc = -1;
   colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
   colorText[] = {0.8784,0.8471,0.651,1};
   text = "";
   fixedWidth = 0;
   x = 0;
   y = 0;
   h = 0.037;
   w = 0.3;
   style = 0;
   shadow = 2;
   font = "Puristamedium";
   SizeEx = 0.03921;
class RscPicture
type = CT_STATIC
IDC = -1
style = ST_PICTURE
ColorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
ColorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
font = "Puristamedium";
SizeEx = 0;

class RscTitles
titles[] = {picture};

class picture
	idd = -1;
	movingenable = 0;

	duration = 1;
	fadeout = 0;
	fadein = 0;
	name = "picture"; 
	controls[] = {"image1"};

	class image1: RscPicture
		idc = -1;
		text = "images\picture.paa";
		x = 0.485 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.474458 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.03 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.05 * safezoneH;
		colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
		colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
		access = ReadAndWrite;

Edited by Apocalypex
added more code to be specific

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these are controls where is your main window handle?

anyway the text field is blank in the text class and if you have a picture referenced in the bottom class maybe the alpha has to be set to 1

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I have a similar issue with my squad.xml I think. What size is your picture?

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you could try loading it into the ingame GUI editor and try getting it to what you want it to look like...you would have to read the manual, im poor at it

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Sorry for the late reply, I've had no internet for the past few days.

The solution to images being turned transparent is to save your images as .DDS DXT5 and then open/save them in texview2 as .paa. You can download the dds plugin for photoshop and do it straight from there. Make sure your images are multiples of 4 in size, e.g. 128x128 256x256 etc.

I don't know why this hasn't been mentioned/documented anywhere on the web (oh wait it's BI).

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I've done a small amount of testing and the conclusion I have come to is that you cannot use classes defined in the configFile in the description.ext

You have to define your own classes e.g. RscPicture cannot but used but xxRscPicture can

hope this helps


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I've done a small amount of testing and the conclusion I have come to is that you cannot use classes defined in the configFile in the description.ext

You have to define your own classes e.g. RscPicture cannot but used but xxRscPicture can

hope this helps


err... you can use external class references (e.g "class RscText") with dialogs to get default values to use. You can also change whatever values you need before using it in your dialog itself.

Unless im misunderstanding what you said your wrong.

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//You have
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

//colorBackground[] = {R, G, B, %};  all from 0-1 scale, where % is 0 for transparent, 1 for opaque
//to convert from standard color picker divide by 255 for Red, Green, Blue values
//try the following for a black, opaque background on the elements, you will need to update each item class accordingly 
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};

Just realized the date on this... i feel very dirty

Edited by zakiechan

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err... you can use external class references (e.g "class RscText") with dialogs to get default values to use. You can also change whatever values you need before using it in your dialog itself.

Unless im misunderstanding what you said your wrong.

Yes austin that is true, you can use external references. However, when creating UI (from what I've tested - and I have no idea why it happens) you cannot use the resource classes used in the configFile. If you use the external references and fail to define all of the attributes in the description.ext you run the risk of your UI producing random errors.


class RscPicture;

class RscSomething
   idd = -1;
   class Controls
       class icon: RscPicture
         x = 1;
         y = 1;
         w = 1;
         h = 1;
         text = "someIcon.paa";
         colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};

The icon will still come out transparent. The RscPicture class needs to be defined fully in the description.ext (from what I have tested)

Kind Regards,


Edited by Bull_A

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