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Strange errors in my RPT server log

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I did fresh installation of Windows 7 (64) bit, then installed Steam via "steamcmd" and after that - clean installation of Arma 3 dedicated server "STABLE" branch via "steamcmd". Installed DirectX 11.

When I run my server and join it, I'm getting massive error spam in the RPT log that kills my server FPS over period and making me unable to play certain missions. I'm not using any addons, the mission also do not require mods and nobody reported such errors before, so I'm not sure if the problem is mission related or something messed in my game server installation (missing software ???).

Can anyone check my RPT log and help me with the errors in it:


Thank you.

Edited by helldesign

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20:21:49 Server: Unhandled user message Type_109

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20:21:54 Server: Unhandled user message Type_109


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google says it's something to do with animals. maybe disable them in your mission for the time being

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