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Presentaion & polish: Get rid of the double loading bars

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A BIS dev mentioned they wanted suggestions to make the game seem more polished and slick. This one stands out to me as inaccurate loading bars are symptomatic of unpolished and it was especially obvious in Take on Helicopters.

When you start a mission from the beginning you go to the loading screen and then it pulls up the briefing & map screen. Then once you proceed from that another load screen appears before you go ingame. That's fine, but when you continue a mission or go ingame from the editor (which for me is far, far more frequent then starting a mission from scratch) it doesn't need to show the briefing page so at the loading screen the bar reaches 100% the first time before resetting to zero and loading the second time. A simple if/else statement would solve that so instead of having the load bar go from 0-100 twice in a row it does it once but at half-speed.

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