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RPT - Report generation toggle ?

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Is there any way a switch can be used to disable the rpt file writes ? I understand its use and know that many send them off to be analysed if there are issues but for me it causes more problems than its worth. To get past the issue I posted a 'fix' by putting these on a ram drive or if you have SSD then may not see this. The main issue for me is due to the read/write contention for the engine and streaming when you play MP with many missing mods or poorly scripted missions (not complaining ;) ). Stutters every few seconds is what happens to me a others, currently -profiles=e:\profiles (e: being my ram drive) solves the problem but not long term.

A useful toggle off switch -norpt etc. would mean one could disable if needed but default it stays on for those not worried about it.

Any issue with doing this or is it beyond the engine ?


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All I can say is BI you are the best ! Having that option in the latest release should save many of us this stutter and as its optional via startup then simple add or remove if reports are needed.

Fantastic work !

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oh wow. that's awesome. i already lost a night of scripting because i had my profiles still on the ram drive and then my pc crashed due to a power outage :(

so is it actually -norpt ? or is it another one?

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