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Disable scope modes

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I was wondering if there's a way to, as an example, only be able to use the RCO's aimpoint sight. I.E: removing one of the modes.

Since the green army scopes really shouldn't have a zoomed out mode imo :j:

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Don't add RCO to your missions and only allow the ACO.

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Maybe you could intercept which display was current on the client and force it back to something else kinda how people do that dreadful 1st person only nonsense, but really just don't put in attachments you don't want. :)

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I agree, as-is you get a 4x and a 1x scope all-in-one without it having any actual close quarters optic. Rather I think the close quarters sighting mode should aim along the top of (above) the optic.

You could config it out (or make both eye positions use the 4x mode) but that would require a mod. Look for; class OpticsModes under the relevant optic's class.

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but really just don't put in attachments you don't want. :)

Well, the thing is -there aren't attarchments that have only 1 mode except for the holosights. Anyways...

I have a thought.. Can you you block an ingame mechanic the same way you can block a player from using the keyboard? Or just simply disable that specific animation.

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