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editor objects [BETA]

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this will add nearly all objects in the game as place-able in the editor.

I havent placed everything down yet so im not 100% sure it all works. please let me know if I messed something up!


if you are making a mission that you do not want to run with the mod,

-place all the objects down with the mod

-go to "computer\documents\arma 3- other profiles\your screen name\missions\your mission name\mission.sqm" and look in the "addons" and "addons auto" sections at the top of the document

-find the line(s) that say "editor_objects," and delete them

-double check to make sure that the remaining addons follow the format "addon","addon","last addon" (LOOK AT THE COMMAS)

-now your mission is able to be played without the mod, and the players will still be able to interact with everything you put down

credits and thanks:

Six Config Browser


---------- Post added at 05:50 ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 ----------

I was just informed I left out 3 objects. fixed here:

---------- Post added at 06:43 ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 ----------

[/color]man I must be tired... 2 more objects

Editor Objects [bETA] V3

I wouldnt be doing this if they werent important. I forgot both of the Radar domes and the hangars...

Edited by J0nes

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