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Passing Argumetns Event Handler + Spawn

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Hello everyone, I can't for the hell of this get this to work so here's a question:

How do I pass arguments with an event handler?

I have two functions in this case, where one function has this among other things:

(_dialog displayCtrl 8010) ctrlSetEventHandler ["MouseButtonClick","[_this, _partsCfg, _partsSelect] spawn VES_fnc_previewPart"];

Now for testing purposes VES_fnc_previewPart only has the following:

_previewCfg = _this select 1;
_previewSelect = _this select 2;
hint format ["cfg: %1, select: %2", _previewCfg, _previewSelect];

I would expect _this select 1 would select the second argument (Being _partsCfg), but that doesn't work. It just returns 'any'. Is there any way I can pass arguments with an event handler like that? I don't care much for the arguments of the button click thing itself, I just want to pass some arguments from the first function.

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