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Simple Assassination Mission

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I need help with the script bellow. It's an assassination mission and I think the problem is in the Trigger but I can't figure out how to solve it.

// Side mission for kill an Enemy Officer

// Parameter 1 - Position Array

// Parameter 2 - Marker Name

// Parameter 3 - Side 0-East 1-West

// By Groo

_posArray = _this select 0;

_mkrName = _this select 1;

_newSpawnpos = getmarkerpos _mkrName;

_sideAdjustTarget = switch (_this select 2) do {

case 0: {east};

case 1: {west};

case 3: {GUE};

default 0;


_sideAdjustTask = switch (_this select 2) do {

case 0: {east};

case 1: {west};

case 3: {GUE};

default 0;


//SetOfficerUnit = {

// OfficerUnit = _this Select 0;


private ["_newGroup","_triggerKill"];

// Create the target

_newGroup = createGroup east;

Officer = "B_officer_F" createUnit [_newSpawnpos, _newGroup,"Removeallweapons this;this disableai ""MOVE""", 0.9, "COLONEL"];

sleep 1;

// Create Mission Task


["taskKillOfficer", "Kill the enemy Officer",

"Kill the Officer", "",markerpos "mkrKillOfficer"]

] call FHQ_TT_addTasks;

//waituntil {!alive OfficerUnit};

_triggerKill = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_newSpawnpos];

_triggerKill setTriggerArea [1,1,0,true];

_triggerKill setTriggerActivation ["NONE","NOT PRESENT",false];

_triggerKill setTriggerStatements ["!alive Officer","",""];

_triggerKill setTriggerType "NONE";


sleep 1;

waituntil {triggeractivated _triggerKill};

hint "Mission Suceeded";

["taskKillOfficer","succeeded"] call FHQ_TT_setTaskState;

deleteVehicle _triggerkill;

//deletemarker _mkrName;

The unit spawns but when Killed nothing happens... could someone help me? Thanks in advance.

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Can you use this in A3

Officer = "B_officer_F" createUnit [_newSpawnpos, _newGroup,"Removeallweapons this;this disableai ""MOVE""", 0.9, "COLONEL"];

I thought it was like this in A2

"B_officer_F" createUnit [_newSpawnpos, _newGroup,"Officer=this;Removeallweapons this;this disableai ""MOVE""", 0.9, "COLONEL"];

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