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Using arma2 models for uniforms

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I'm trying to use an arma2 model for a unit/uniform, but the game crashes when I load the mission with the unit.

vehicle class:

class CfgVehicles {
class B_Soldier_base_F;
class ED_Man_Base : B_Soldier_base_F {
	vehicleClass = "ED_Men";
	model = "[color="#FF0000"]MODEL[/color]";
	weapons[] = {"RH_usp", "Throw", "Put"};
	respawnWeapons[] = {"RH_usp", "Throw", "Put"};
	Items[] = {"FirstAidKit"};
	RespawnItems[] = {"FirstAidKit"};
	magazines[] = {"RH_12Rnd_45cal_usp", "REV1_flash"};
	respawnMagazines[] = {"RH_12Rnd_45cal_usp", "REV1_flash"};
	linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "ItemGPS"};
	respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "ItemGPS"};
class ED_Man : ED_Man_Base {
	scope = public;
	displayName = "ED Man";
	uniformAccessories[] = {};
	nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody";
	uniformClass = "ED_Uniform";

uniform class:

class cfgWeapons {
class Uniform_Base;	// External class reference
class UniformItem;	// External class reference

class ED_Uniform : Uniform_Base {
	scope = public;
	displayName = "ED Uniform";
	picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_U_BasicBody_ca.paa";
	model = "[color="#FF0000"]MODEL[/color]";

	class ItemInfo : UniformItem {
		uniformModel = "-";
		uniformClass = "ED_Man";
		containerClass = "Supply0";
		mass = 1;

Are the arma2 models incompatable with arma 3?

Edited by eagledude4

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I wanted to use an already pre-existing model. Thanks for the link though, I'll try to compare what the differences are.

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Do you have permission from Icebreakr to port his police units?



Author: IceBreakr

All rights reserved.

Author grants you, as the enduser, a personal right to download, install and play with the addon. This right does NOT include the possibilities to reverse engineer or even abuse content of the unit addon in your own addons, games, game content or missions (scripts). Author can not be made responsible for ANY damage that could occur from the use of the addon. This unit addon is for entertainment purposes only. Any military or commercial use is strictly prohibited. You are not allowed to exploit content. You may only use the unit addon in conjunction with the game "Arma 2" and "ArmA2: Operation Arrowhead" by BIS in its original form. If you want to use unit addon or parts of unit addon in your own addons or new game, you have to get written permission from the author.

Edited by Max Power

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I won't be using his addon due to the "You may only use the unit addon in conjunction with the game "Arma 2" and "ArmA2: Operation Arrowhead" by BIS in its original form", thanks for letting me know. I've removed all references to that particular addon.

This question applies to any arma2 model, not his specifically, so I hope you don't lock the thread for the reason above.

Edited by eagledude4

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