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Infantry Squads refuse to load

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I´ve searched and couldn´t find a similar situation anywhere on here. I have three squads trying to load into a column of Marids. In total, these are four squads (3x Infantry Squads and 1x Column of 4x Marids.).

However, when at the "Load" waypoint, the Infantry only loads up into one of the vehicles. All remaining infantry then run off on their own, while the tanks drive off.

Question is how do I get all three squads to load up into the Vehicles. (All squads are supposed to load off at the same spot on the other side of the Island). Picture of the setup below.


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Have you tried in the waypoint to just manually make them get in the vehicle? like this: _unit moveInCargo vehVariableName;

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First, I must admit, I hate when people give the "start with them in your vehicle". That completely disregards the point of your mission. What's the point of scripting a mission. No offense to you Johnson. You only have one group of vehicles. Only one squad will board only one vehicle. Also those vehicles only load 8.

Also, you didn't mention which groups you gave load options to.

Load is for the same group. Meaning an apc and soldiers need to be in same group for them to load, same with unload. unless special circumstances.

I won't get into details in this response, but if you need more details let me know.

There are 2 ways I would use:

First give the vehicles first waypoint as a "move"

Give each squad a "move" for the first waypoint - the second waypoint directly on top of the vehicle you want them to get in. Exactly on top of "Madrid". That waypoint will be a "get in". The vehicles will have moved to their fist waypoint and that is where they will board.

Set a trigger as a "opfor - "not present" - "switch". then sync it to the vehicles "move" waypoint. Put the trigger are to cover all 3 squads but not the vehicles.

So the vehicles will move to first waypoint and will stop, the squads get in the vehicles at that point. Once the squads are out of the trigger area it will give the vehicles the go to move on. There may still be infantry getting in after the trigger , but at that point the vehicles will wait until the squads get in.

You would probably use a "transport unload" for this method

Here is a rough picture of what I just said:

http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o726/Victim913/arma32013-06-2617-35-14-14_zps10cd1ab3.png (127 kB)

The second way is easier:

name your madrid1, Madrid2, Madrid3.

Put this in squad members init "this assignascargo Madrid#; #will be whichever squad.

Using assignascargo is like telling them that that Madrid belongs to them exactly as if they were both in same group.

Now all you need to do is give squad "getin" waypoint. Once they move to that waypoint they will find wherever their vehicles is and get in. But you might get vehicle moving to them too. So think before you put it. the "get in" doesn't go ontop of vehicle. It goes anywhere. I recommend (for your mission), using the trigger in order to keep madrids at their "move" and trigger the same way. The only difference is that you can get in from anywhere. I would put it close to vehicles.

For this method you may have to use a "unload" instead of transport unload.

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