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Your impression of a real Wasteland server

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Hello guys i just wanted to start a conversation about wasteland servers,like you noticed there are some differences from server to server,like no backpack,NV-googles,etc of course most noticible is the the FPS drop that most user get when they play wasteland.Also there are 2 different versions of wasteland like the one from Joschaap 404Games or fackstah,today i introduce some of there changes and features ingame.

So lets start with the version of 404 Games,they have server where you just have a pistol,backpack,vest,uniform,helm,9-mm clip,but on these server you only can get weapons from missions or randomly placed weapon crates around the map.So that means because there are no vehicles you cant find weapons like on other versions of wasteland.Also the server has no water/food system,so that means you will see the symbols on the right corner near your health,but they dont sink if you dont drink or eat.Also this is the only server,where most of the players get very high and constant FPS,because the server is not overloadet with objects like cars,food,water,money,dead player bodys.In this version its also just about killing players finding weapons and surive.

Secound version is the one of Joschaap on his version of Wasteland,you can drive vehicles you spawn with vest,uniform,9-mm,9-mm clip,backpack,NV-Googles,Helmet.

His version is a bit different then the 404 Games one.

On his server are also randomly spawned vehicles,where you can find guns like MX,Katiba,MK-200,and some others no Explosives.

Cars inlcudet in his version

Civilian: Pickups,Quads,Boats.

Military-Unarmed: Hunter,Ifrit,Strider,Zamak-Truck 2 versions,HEMMT-Truck 2 Versions,Quadbikes,Boates,Choppers.

Military-Armed/Only in Main and Side Missions: Hunter,Ifrit,Strider,APC opfor and bluefor,Patrole boates,Choppers.

Military Choppers unarmed: MH-9 Littlebird,UH-80 Ghosthawk,PO-30 Orca,PO-30 Orca Black,CH-49 Mohawk.

Military Choppers armed: AH-9 Pawnee Littlebird,AH-99 Blackfoot Commanche,MI-28 Kajman,MI-28 Kajman/Black.

The Military Vehicles who are unarmed,can be found anywhere on the map of stratis also the unarmed choppers except the UH-80 Ghosthawk.

The Military Vehicles who are armed,can only be found in some of the missions that joschaap designed for his version of wasteland,they are heavely guardet by AI also with rocket troops.

In joschaaps version you also can get weaponcrates from side missions,they are also guardet by AI and the include weapons like explosives,rifles,alot of ammo.

Also there are special missions like capture the outpost,the outpost is also very very good protected by the AI the outpost includes a variety of weapons.

Also you can pick up items like sandsack barricades to build up bases or outposts,you even can transport them in your vehicle,by move this object then klick on load in vehicle.Then you can choose vehicle content and you will see that the barricade is inside of your truck,and now you can move it to your location to build up a base also crates can be moved.But notice that cares have a limit of loading.

In joschaap version the gameplay is nearly close to the one of 404 Games,you search for gear,food,weapons,and vehicles to survive.You also can get weapons,items,ammo etc from the different placed gunstores on the map,in his version the weapon prieces are very very cheap,like a assault rifle costs like 110-250 dollars,while rocketlauncher like Titan plus rocket costs 500 Launcher and 140 for the rocket.Money you can earn by killing players,just pick up the sack that you see near the players also food and water that you need to survive,if you reach 0 you die.

The last Version of the wasteland mods is the one of fackstah,his modification is a little bit different then the one Joschaap.First big change is in fackstahs version you can capture bases,outposts like airstation-mike,kill-farm,agia-marina,airfield,and alot others,all 3 teams can capture these outposts.If you team as example the independent captures one of these outposts you will recieve money cause your team captured this outpost/base.Also Bluefor and opfor can recapture them too,and then they get money for it again,except you defeat them and strike back.Also you can see the areas on the map that is controlled by the enemy faction like independent or bluefor.Here in this version you also have alot of vehicles like the same as joschaap´s version also gunstores and regular stores where you can buy food and water.The weapon prieces are higher,because your team is getting payed for catpuring bases/outposts so that you can buy faster the weapons you want.But the prieces are still pretty low,like snipers for 2500 dollars and rocketlaunchers for 500.You also can build up bases wher ever you want,and you also have main and side objectives that you can make to get armored vehicles and weaponcaches.

So now i realy would like to hear what you guys would like to see in wasteland,do you guys prefer more the version that is unrealistic like everywhere vehicles,spawning with NV-Googles,Backpack,Vest,etc and low weapon prieces so that everyone who runs and kills 2 players can buy a rifle.

Or do you guys wanna have a more realistic version of wasteland,where you have to earn your self the gear that you want? i post you an example how i think it would be great to play in wasteland.

1.You spawn with just a Pistol and 1 9-mm Clip for it plus your normal uniform.No vest,no backpack,no NV-Googles.

2.Vehicles on the map 50 normal Civilian vehicles Pickups,Quadbickes(Colored) spawn on the map near roads and villages,they have gear like small backpacks,1 medipack,different googles,wetsuits-rebreathers,hats like basecaps/military caps.

3.Military Vehicles spawn ONLY near/in Military Outposts like Airstation-Mike,Airfield,Camino-Firing/Range,Camp-Maxwell,Camp-Tempest,LZ-Baldy,and Military Range.Only in Military vehicles you can find long range weapons like rifles,MGs,Ghillie-Suits,Large-Backpacks,Military-Backpacks,Vests/Tac/or Large Carrior Rigs/Vest,Helmets,Radio,GPS,Medikits,Repair-Tools,Ammo-for Different weapons,in the Big Millitary Trucks-Explosives like mines,AT-mines,C4,AP-Mines,in some cases sniper rifles inside Military Trucks,with 1-2 Clips for the sniper.

4.There are still Missions that you can complete like abandon HMMT Truck of the bluefor,or landet Choppers,Outpost missions,Chopper-Patrole,Diving-Missions,Armored-Vehicle Missions.

5.The game still have the Gunstores in,but the prieces for the weapons are close to the one in real life,a example a assault rifle would cost 2000-3000 have to research it,and a 12,7/50 Call sniper or 408 Cheytech sniper would cost 8,900 Dollar.Also backpacks,vests,helmets,range-finders,binoculars,scopes,uniforms,diving-suits,ammo,rocket-launchers,nearly everything that is in the BETA right now will get real prieces like they would cost in our real world.To get the money for this equipment,i would say if you capture a village,you will get 200 dollars for your team,if you capture a outpost you will get 500 dollars and the airfield is seperated into 2 parts,which will be marked on the map for controlling bothe of them you will get 500 dollars.Plus i also thougt about a money income that gets you a payout for the time your team is holding the position.Example you capture Airstation-Mike,your team will be payed and you will get 500 for capturing it and after 5 minutes you will earn another 150-or 200 dollars for holding that outpost,i think this is a nice solution to keep the players traveling on the island and give them something to do.

6.There are also generall stores where you can buy Food/water also clothes like uniforms,small/Medium backpacks,and other itmes like googles,binoculars and some other small things like medikits,repair tools,and at the general store the prieces are a little bit cheaper then the gunstore,but for that there are no ammo and weapons at the general store.

So that is for the first,and i hope that you guys like my idea about wasteland and have a nice look about the different versions of wasteland.


Edited by ZoneTrooper

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"So now i realy would like to hear what you guys would like to see in wasteland,do you guys prefer more the version that is unrealistic like everywhere vehicles,spawning with NV-Googles,Backpack,Vest,etc and low weapon prieces so that everyone who runs and kills 2 players can buy a rifle."

Unfortunetly ( lol ) thats what i like from wasteland public server.

Get in there and pvp without running around for 20min to 1 hour with a pistol.

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"So now i realy would like to hear what you guys would like to see in wasteland,do you guys prefer more the version that is unrealistic like everywhere vehicles,spawning with NV-Googles,Backpack,Vest,etc and low weapon prieces so that everyone who runs and kills 2 players can buy a rifle."

Unfortunetly ( lol ) thats what i like from wasteland public server.

Get in there and pvp without running around for 20min to 1 hour with a pistol.

Hmmm ok and thats what i hate about wasteland,it has nothing to do with arma anymore.Its more a GTA combined with battlefield 3 in the ARMA 3 universe.But this version of course would still excist because joschaaps version is the right one for you,run 1 meter find a car with a gun,scope,attachment,tons of ammo and play gta in arma 3.

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great mod on cherno in A2 but not here, framerate is bad as ever, very annoying to see all top populated server running it.

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I've tested all three of them, I like them quite much. But I gotta say that Fackstah is my favorite so far, don't get as much fps drop as on Jscaap(?), and the overall feeling is better on Fackstah. But as I wrote, I like them all.

And the wasteland you thought of seems quite nice, with the prices and the "ticking" cash and missons:)

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... cool, sounds very interesting, are you planning to make it?

Because this will result in longer sessions, i think this should have a persistent db store in background,

so that players can have a rest inside a session without loosing all the equipment.

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