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Major Fubar

Suicide bombers...

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OK, I did do a search on this, but no luck (I hate posting questions like this and coming off like a dumbass tounge.gif ).

How do I simulate a suicide bomber ingame.

What I'm looking for is to equip a civilian with a satchel charge, who will then recognise one side (east or west) as an enemy, run up to a squad and detonate (not place the satchel on the ground, just blow it in his backpack). I am also looking for a car/truck bomber, which i assume would be done in a similar fasion...

Any ideas?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Major Fubar

-----------------------------------------------------------------(I hate posting questions like this and coming off like a dumbass ).

<span id='postcolor'>

Well l hate posting answers and sounding like a dumbass tounge.gif

Anyways this is how l would do it; Giving the suicideCiv a move waypoint into enemy, under condition;

suicideCiv Distance <2 and under activation;

Bomb = "Grenade" camCreate GetPos enemyname

You could have him/her do some sort of animation if you wanted tinsel. smile.gif

Well hope this helps in some way...

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Here's a nice little script to have a unit of choice chase a target unit and detonate itself with a big bang once it gets close enough. The chase uses a lead pursuit algorithm so the suicide bomber will effectively attempt to intercept a moving target if his speed allows it. The suicide bomber will also explode when his patience runs out (tmeout) or when killed. The blast is powerful enough to take out a T-80.

Most straightforward use is simple - set up a trigger to activate "on detected", and call the script from there with as first argument the "suicide bomber" unit (works best with civilian men or vehicles), and as a second the target - i.e. the unit that activated the trigger ( list <triggername> select 0).

Comments/improvements welcome...  Enjoy :-)




; Suicide Bomber script for Operation Flashpoint Resistance

; by Johan Van Camp



; call with [bomber,(list bombertrig select 0) exec "suicidebomber.sqs"

_bomber = _this select 0

_target = _this select 1

; delay between intercept point calculations

_delay = 2

; Set a timeout counter to avoid this script running eternally

_c = 30

; Assume the bomber can run at at least speed 23 (speed of man running)

_vb = 23

; Try to make sure our bomber runs at full speed to the target and doesnt get distracted

_bomber setSpeedMode "FULL"

_bomber setBehaviour "SAFE"


_c = _c - 1

? (_c==0)||(!alive _bomber)  : goto "end"


; Only chase if the bomber actually sees the target

? _bomber knowsabout _target <= 1 : goto "loop"

; Here comes some applied trigonometry... Rudimentary lead pursuit algorithm to get the

; bomber to the target by calculating an intercept point based on the targets current

; heading and velocity and the bombers potential velocity

; Grab some coordinates for easy manipulation

_targpos = getpos _target

_tx= _targpos select 0

_ty= _targpos select 1

_tz= _targpos select 2

_bomberpos = getpos _bomber

_bx= _bomberpos select 0

_by= _bomberpos select 1

_bz= _bomberpos select 2

; Convert OFP angles (0 degrees = Y-axis) into standard geometric angles (0 degrees = X-axis)

; for our further calculations to keep things nice and simple

_ta= 90 - getdir _target

? _ta < 0 : _ta = _ta + 360

; calculate targets speed and distances split in x and y components

_vtx = speed _target * cos (_ta)

_vty = speed _target * sin (_ta)

_sx = _tx - _bx

_sy = _ty - _by

_s  = sqrt(_sx^2 + _sy^2)

; Check if bombers actual speed is exceeding our expectations and if so conservatively increase our assumed maximal speed

_vba = speed _bomber

? _vba > _vb : _vb = (_vba + _Vb) / 2

; Calculate the intercept angle

_oa=acos (_sx/_s)

? _sy > 0 : _oa = -_oa

_h = ((_sx*_vty)-(_sy*_vtx))/_vb

_ia = (asin (_h/_s))-_oa

; Put angle in right quadrant and clean up presentation

? (((_sx*sin(_ia))-_h)/_sy) * (cos(_ia)) < 0 : _ia = 180 - _ia

? _ia < 0 : _ia = _ia + 360

; Now we have the bombers velocity components for the intercept

_vbx = _vb * cos(_ia)

_vby = _vb * sin(_ia)

; And with this we can finally work out the actual intercept point

_t = _sx / (_vbx - _vtx)

_ix = _bx + (_vbx * _t)

_iy = _by + (_vby * _t)

; Put the current waypoint at the calculated intercept point

_bomber move [_ix,_iy,0]

; Check if were close enough to detonate - if not continue the chase

? _bomber distance _target > 10 : goto "loop"


; Time to say adios muchahos - nice visual feature if our bombers a man (not a vehicle)

; wait 2 seconds to let the animation play

; _bomber playMove "EffectStandSalute"

; ~2

; And lets make a nice big explosion... create multiple bombs and detonate them

; This is enough of a blast to take out a T-80 or a full infantery squad


_boem = []


_boem = _boem + [("bomb" camCreate getpos _bomber)]


? _c > 0 : goto "bombs"

"_x setdamage 1" foreach _boem

; end of script

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Bosun @ July 31 2002,08:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Major Fubar

-----------------------------------------------------------------(I hate posting questions like this and coming off like a dumbass   ).

<span id='postcolor'>

Well l hate posting answers and sounding like a dumbass tounge.gif

Anyways this is how l would do it;  Giving the suicideCiv a move waypoint into enemy, under condition;

suicideCiv Distance <2 and under activation;

Bomb = "Grenade" camCreate GetPos enemyname

You could have him/her do some sort of animation if you wanted tinsel. smile.gif

Well hope this helps in some way...<span id='postcolor'>

you sound like a dumbass

the script is wrong: he says: invalid number in expression

no, this didn't helped me


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Bosun condition shoud be :

suicideCiv Distance target<2

Johanvc it looks like good script. You have little mistake in calling :

call with [bomber,(list bombertrig select 0)] exec "suicidebomber.sqs"

wink.gif These little mistakes may confuse unexperienced scripters.

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I made also suicide script  tounge.gif :

It is drugged bomber who doesn't care about shooting and speed of his target smile.gif  and with simple explosion.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

;Bart.Jan's suicide bomber script :

;calling : [target,suicide bomber] exec "sucideb.sqs"

_target=_this select 0

_bomb=_this select 1

;prevent accidental inital explosion

_bomb reveal _target

;bomber is drugged so he don't care about shooting

_bomb setbehaviour "careless"


;bomber knows target's position so he is chasing it

?(_bomb knowsAbout _target >=1):_bomb move (getpos _target)

;bomber is near target so he is going to explode

?(_bomb distance _target <4):goto "boom"


;bomber reached last known position of target and he can't see it so he decided to explode

;or he can start searchin procedure or whatever you order to him :)

?(unitReady _bomb):goto "boom"

goto "loop"


;insert animation or taunt here

;and bomber explodes

_explode = "shell125" camCreate (getPos _bomb)

;or use resistance (only?) big explosion :

;_explode = "Bomb" CreateVehicle getpos _bomb

;_explode SetDammage 1

exit<span id='postcolor'>

There shoud be interesting sript for recognizing of nearest enemy units (targets) but it needs properly working nearestUnit command (will be in next patch  smile.gif )

But it's possible even now to make script that locates visible enemies (targets) for bomber but you must use trigger for it.

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wow.gif4--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Bart.Jan @ Oct. 12 2002,22wow.gif4)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Johanvc it looks like good script. You have little mistake in calling :

call with [bomber,(list bombertrig select 0)] exec "suicidebomber.sqs"

wink.gif These little mistakes may confuse unexperienced scripters.<span id='postcolor'>

Quite so BartJan, I stand corrected... thanks for ironing this out  smile.gif

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Well, you can also make a changed config.cpp where you define a weapon over a satchel charge but make it not possible to drop down, those weapon you give to a civilian model. (you may make it Resistance side, but then you have to make it nearly invisible for AI units). After that it should search its targets itself, without any script.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Rastavovich @ Oct. 13 2002,13: 00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well, you can also make a changed config.cpp where you define a weapon over a satchel charge but make it not possible to drop down, those weapon you give to a civilian model. (you may make it Resistance side, but then you have to make it nearly invisible for AI units). After that it should search its targets itself, without any script.<span id='postcolor'>

I think it will not work when somebody download his misson and do not modify his/her own config.cpp.  confused.gif

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of course you have to provide that addon with the mission, but since it is only a config and no model or texture files, it may size about 1-2 kb.

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