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Discussion: Terrain Editor for Arma 3 Alpha (soon to be Beta)

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Let me just start of by saying this:

Current tool to edit map are a bit complicated. I followed one guide, here I had to setup a fake drive, lots of other stuff, only to find out after all the trouble that I had to script the terrain. I'm not saying this is a bad solution, its just that it's to damn advance for me. And trying to google "arma 3 map editor" I found 90% referring to the Mission Editor, so I decided to google Terrain editor instead, seems to get alot more hits. Anyway, I'm sorry if this post is missplaced, but under terrain (Visitor) seems to be the right place.

I've seen and played alot of user made maps when I played Arma 2, so I guess its possible to make some awesome stuff. However, I also was a big fan of how Crytec solved their map editor. I dont know how much work this required, but I'm guessing alot. But I tried out the 3D mission editor in Arma 3 and that mod is on the track for something.

If BI Studio are to make a Crytec Map Editor, alot of more custom maps would be available and perhaps a bit to many? I dont know, but I certanly would like to hear what people have to say about the terrain editor for Arma 3. Perhaps some developers could join the discussion for this? I would love to make a map of my hometown, but can't see that happening when my skills are limited when it comes to this.

What I guess I'm saying is that is it to advace/hard to make custom terrains?

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Crytec editor functions for arma 3 . . . ony if God work at BIS. Or put it on Santas wishlist.

Yes would be nice, but it will never happend. Making island for Arma is not easy, and the tools are not user friendly.

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The tool will be Visitor 4 - if we are lucky.

With the current tools however, the learning curve is steep, but doable. In fact, the situation is far better than half a year back (and thus for A2), because now we can place objects in 3D and simply paint roads instead of placing them with a lot of effort.

With current tools and tutorials, you can create a dogfight/helitraining/tankbattle map in a few hours - and that thing doesn't have to look bad at all if you use a decent heightmap and textures. The more detail comes in, the longer it takes - of course. But be honest: to use the Crytek editor, you also have to read quite some tutorials, or not...?! First time I opened it, it was anything else but self-explanatory...

In the end: put it as you want..there is no other way than coping with the current situation. Luckily, as there are quite some people who where annoyed with the status (like me), tools and workarounds have appeared that reduce usage of the default tools to a minimum...you can be such a person, too :)

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