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Faces addon NOHQ/SMDI problem

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Hi guys,

I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but while I'm playing ARMA since the day OFP came out , I just started modding very recently and already ran into the first problem I can't solve on my own.

You see, I'm working on a campaign that features characters with unique faces and the only way I see to import said faces into the game is through an addon. (plz correct me if I'm wrong).

Now I have problems importing the faces properly. What I have so far is:

  • facetexture_co.paa
  • facetexture_nohq.paa
  • facetexture_smdi.paa
  • config.cpp (that properly takes care of the facetexture_co.paa)

As for the _NOHQ and _SMDI files I know only one way to include them into my config:

material = "\A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\m_White_01.rvmat";

Of course the _NOHQ and _SMDI textures my faces will use then, would be those of the vanilla "m_White_01" face texture set, so I need to include my own RVMAT file to avoid that.

If I understand my own problem correctly, I need one of the following:

  • An alternative way of including multiple face textures (with nohq and smdi) in a mission
  • The model BIS uses for the basic head
  • A way to create a custom RVMAT without the BIS head model
  • A completely different approach if you guys can think of any

Thanks in advance.

P.S. This is my first post, but I'm lurking in the forums since they exist, so I know most of you already.

Edited by ZiR
minor grammatical correction

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I wouldnt touch the material, just the texture, it makes everything easier that way.

in the config there should be a section that is





use these to define new faces for custom people. the hiddenselections are the actual selection names in the P3D file which can be found in the A3 sample character model that BI released and the textures are the proper textures that you want to use on those selections


now I just made that up as an example, but maybe it will help. good luck!

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Thank you J0nes.

I thought I have already expressed my gratitude, but i just checked on the thread and noticed that my post wasn't saved the last time. So thanks again.

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