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Getting HC to activate DAC triggers

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Hello, Currently im using this guide to get HC working in one my missions http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6920345/HC_tutorial/hc_tutorial.pdf . It all works - but the problem is, when I try to activate DAC triggers, nothing happens. I can start the zones activated - but not deactivated. I think it is the problem in the dac_zones.sqf line here (located at bottom of sqf)

//if HC is inactive - make triggers global

if (!HCPresent) then {

_i = o;

for "_i" from 0 to ((count _createdTriggers) -1) do{

publicVariable format ["%1" ,(_createdTriggers select _i)];



Can someone with scripting knowledge check this? Thanks!

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I've setup a DAC mission using the HC so I'm a bit familiar with it... so you start the mission with the DAC zones inactive then are activating them later by using trigger or whatever with [zone] call DAC_Activate ? My quick and uneducated guess is that you need to make sure this call is fired on the HC not the server.

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Tried having the HC fire the triggers - doesnt work

Last time i checked, HC doesnt even spawn the DAC zones. Also, should the HC be incharge of all the logics?

And also, the guide says only to use nul= and true in condition. Can I just use fun= and time > 1 in condition?

Edited by Burdy

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hmmm.. the mission I used to test this was pretty simple (no activating or moving DAC zones)... but it did work (ie all zones were created on the HC).

When you say logics you mean DAC-related ones like DAC_Save_Pos or the setDir ones to set camp/waypoint locations? Yes those should all be 'created' on the HC.

I can double-check my setup but I'm pretty sure I used fun= and time > 1 contrary to what the guide says.

Perhaps someone with more scripting knowledge can assist... it might be that activating and de-activating zones on the HC requires some more code somewhere

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Also there are some issues with using HC and DAC according to Monsoon's PDF guide

- Units placed using `setPosASL' on or around buildings will not end up in the correct spot

- Any synchronized or grouped trigger will not transfer to the HC properly

- Units transferred to the HC after mission launch will lose all waypoints

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I have worked with this and believe to have a working version of my mission, but now i'm getting the error "Script anyDAC_Config_Units.sqf Not found". Any idea?

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Also, would you mind sending me your mission with DAC to check it out?

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haha sorry I thought your PM was referring to the main DAC thread :p

How are you using DAC? The addon? The script? If you are using the addon and you've referenced DAC_Extern in your mission you need to have a DAC folder in your mission with all the config .sqf files as well as DAC_Config_Creator.sqf

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I have all of the DAC files in there (mission directory) - I fixed the error with Script any, now they just dont spawn. Its not an error with me making the sqf to spawn them because I have an sqf to spawn regular AI (non DAC) and it works fine.

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