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Buldozer crashing after loading, config class missing spam

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I'm beginner on this whole mapediting stuff but here is what I have done today: I wanted to merge Chernarus and Utes. I succesfully did it (had to little crop utes and rotate it 180 so it would fit) and exported .xyz from L3DT. I now opened it up on Visitor and copypasted all roads and other objects from default chernarus to my map. Everything seems OK: http://i.imgur.com/8HXKNQg.png

I now wanted to export this map so it will be playable on arma2oa. I started Buldozer and it takes a while to load up. After loading, it crashes: http://i.imgur.com/JE3LZPN.png

I found a .RPT file of Buldozer and it has over 50k lines of "config class missing" errors. Here's few lines:

ca\structures\house\housev\housev_1l2.p3d: house, config class missing
ca\structures\house\housev\housev_3i4.p3d: house, config class missing
ca\structures\house\housev\housev_1l1.p3d: house, config class missing
ca\buildings2\shed_small\shed_w02.p3d: house, config class missing
ca\buildings\psi_bouda.p3d: house, config class missing
ca\structures\house\housev\housev_3i2.p3d: house, config class missing
ca\buildings2\shed_small\shed_w01.p3d: house, config class missing
ca\structures\house\housev\housev_2t1.p3d: house, config class missing
ca\structures\house\housev\housev_1i3.p3d: house, config class missing

At the end of .RPT, there's:

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0088CEE8
graphics:  D3D9, Device: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series, Driver:aticfx32.dll
resolution:  1200x900x32
Mods: ca;expansion;baf;pmc
Distribution: 0
Version 1.57.0
Fault address:  0088CEE8 01:0048BEE8 p:\buldozer.exe
Prev. code bytes: 3B C1 0F 4F C1 8B 8E 38 02 00 00 0F AF C8 03 CA
Fault code bytes: F3 0F 10 04 CF 0F 2F C4 77 03 0F 28 E0 8B 8E 38

ESI:06751180 EDI:00000000
SS:ESP:002B:016EF7E8  EBP:000001C0
DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B
note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Users\kask\AppData\Local\Buldozer Viewer\buldozer.mdmp

I used ARMA2P tool to create p:\ca, which is ~12.5GB and has 176002 files. What I am doing wrong?

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It's cool that you want to get into map making. Im assuming you used mikeros tool to extract the pew file. however those are bi maps. You can not take them and merge or alter them unless you have permission from bi.

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Yes, I converter .wrp to .pew and from that I exported .xyz file. I opened both terrains in L3DT and copypasted utes map into chernarus.

I don't see any harm I could make, I'm not going to release this map anywhere. I'm just interested of learning and this is done only in educational reasons.

EDIT: Seems like there is something wrong with my configuration, I can't open it with any map. Gonna reinstall everything.

EDIT2: Ok, now I am able to run Buldozer with different maps but I still having same errors for the one I want to export to arma. Still "config class missing" spam on RPT. I have exported all PBOs with ArmA2P to P:\ca. My map files are at P:\test and P:\test\ca has these all config files in different folders. What I am doing wrong?

EDIT3: Oh, and I also contacted BIS and asked a permission to use their maps.

EDIT4: I have now permission to edit BIS stuff.

Edited by kaski

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