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about the AI enemy bots

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after playing for some time in the alpha i sure allot of people know now that enemy bots are not just hard to kill because

of the hit detection, but it is also now very easy to get killed by them because they have very good aiming,

they can hit you with 1 shot with out missing while you need to fire 3 shots.

i know this is just alpha, but i just made this post so the Devs will see that we dont want this in the main game.

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Yeah, that's bugging me too, the AI is too accurate. They should be good at spotting you, and be quick to fire, but less accurate.

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Don't worry - the new Dev build update today lists the AI are now even better over distance shooting, pmsl

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Hey and thank you for your feedback.

The AI's tendency to have aim-bot episodes is well documented.

There are a couple of AI related threads laying around, you can use the search function and pick one of your preference.

Also for general feedback, use the Development branch discussion thread.

Global marketing studies have shown that 7/10 users prefer closed threads. I am taking an exec. decision and closing this thread.

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