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AMD radeon driver cat 13.4, known issues?

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I updated my AMD graphics driver to catalyst 13.4, but I experience severe glitching on respawn, with the char posing with hands out to the side, with no animations working.

Heh, known issue with 13.4 or something else perhaps? Probably something else, because from reading a forum thread here it looks like people do use 13.4.

---------- Post added at 18:29 ---------- Previous post was at 17:24 ----------

I uninstalled 13.4, installed 13.6beta, uninstalled the beta and reinstalled 13.4, and then I had no glitching.

Apparantly, my issue seem to have been fixed. Perhaps because I used AMD's driver cleanup utility on my second try at installing 13.4. Who knows.

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i get this issue when i take a long time receiving date. i don't think it's a graphics driver issue as re-logging fixes. i'm on 13.6

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I use 13.6 beta 2 w/o issues

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But yes, it's VERY useful to use a driver cleaner between two drivers installation.

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But yes, it's VERY useful to use a driver cleaner between two drivers installation.

should be not needed as for last years the installers are upgrade type ... only if you uninstall or slap some very old over very new ...

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Ive needed to wipe a few times between betas but agreed you should normally need to, the only time I have needed to is when I lose CCC tbh. 13.6b2 here too, no obvious driver issues.

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