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Hosting: AMD or Intel CPU (Virtualized Servers on VMWare ESX / XenServer)

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Hello there,

atm i am facing the decision for a new hoster.

All needed parameters are clear, but:

Currently i am thinking about virtualized servers on amd cpu's. But i am not shure how the AMD cpu's are affecting the arma performance.

Fact is: Arma 3 is running as client much better on Intel CPU's

Fact is: The CPU's on my hypervisors will be paravirtualized

Fact is: I have more cpu's on AMD hypervisors, i will be able host more servers

Fact is: One Arma Server will have max 4 CPU's

Currently i am running a VMWare ESX on a Intel CPU. The problem is: More than 2 Arma Servers on Intel CPU's are not possible, without performance issues.

Is anybody familar with hosting Wasteland on AMD CPU's? Is it running stable?

Will there be performance enhancements for AMD cpu's in the future? (would influence the contract time and cost per month)

Ran Arma 2 on AMD cpu's without problems?

The idea is to split: Split the performance on 4 cores @ 2 sockets.

If i use AMD i would be able to virtualize more servers because i have more cores (copy & paste cpu layout)

Later i want to host:

1. Fussion Wasteland

2. Normal Wasteland

3. A new Version of Wasteland, which is atm in developement. (Just want the basic features. Back to the roots. ATM to much code and Scripts)

4. A test server for well known modders to test their scripts in "Real Life"

--> 16 Cores on AMD - split CPU Shares on Intel

For Information: I will not host the servers for money. I pay the servers with my money. I just want the best possible performance + highes utilization as possible.

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Bought an Intel System. Just dont wanted experiments on AMD.

Because i dont think, that i will be able to host high performance servers on AMD CPU's. (Just a feeling)

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