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NVG config info questions

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i was digging through the configs of the binoculars and NVGs and i came across a section of the config i can not seem to find any information on.

under class item info there is as follows:

hmdType = 0;
mass = 4;
modelOff = "A3\weapons_f\binocular\NVG_proxy_off.p3d";
type = 616;
uniformModel = "A3\weapons_f\binocular\nvg_proxy.p3d";

i know what everything there is for except hmdtype=0

does anyone know what this is for?

i am mainly curious because i am trying to experiment with various setting of the HMDitem class to make things like futuristic heads up display goggles for pilots and also for a possible battlefield command mod. any input would be greatly appreciated.

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Ed:- NVM read your post wrong

Edited by da12thMonkey

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mass Is for working out how much of the inventory space it should take up when packed into load-bearing vests, backpacks etc. and has a general effect on the overall contribution of a player's loadout to the fatigue system

modelOff Is the model that the NVG proxy uses when the NVGs are equipped to the head's NVG slot in the inventory but are not turned on (i.e it's the model when the NVGs are folded up and not covering the eyes)

uniformModel Is the model used when the NVGs are equipped and active (i.e the model when the NVGs are folded down and are covering the eyes), IIRC it's also the model that displays when you place the NVGs on the ground

type AFAIK this defines the item as NVGs so that it equips the NVG slot in the inventory as opposed to the weapon slot or a magazine slot.

thank you for replying. Do you know what the HMDTYPE=0 param is for?

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Sorry, I read your post wrong and thought it said "I know what hmdType is for..." and were asking about the other parameters

I'm not sure what HMDType does. I have suspicions that HMD might mean a more generic "Head Mounted Device" term, rather than "Helmet Mounted Display" though, as NVGs seem to fall into the HMDItem/HMDSlot.

class HMDItem: InventoryItem_Base_F
	type = 616;

class ProxyHMD
	autocenter = 0;
	scope = 2;
	reversed = 1;
	animated = 1;
	model = "";
	shadow = 1;
	simulation = "ProxyInventoryOld";
	inventoryType = "HMD";

I assume BIS are yet to implement any other types of item that fill the HMD inventory slot besides NVGs, so HMDType may form the basis for what happens when a particular device in the HMD slot is turned off/on with the N key.

Edited by da12thMonkey

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ok i experimented around with changing the value for the HMDTYPE param and got no difference. so maybe da12thmonkey is correct that is not yet implimented. i also noticed in the configs there was a reference to a TIGOGGLES and tried to change the simulation param on the NVGs to tigoggles, and also got no difference.

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did anyone by chance ever figure out what HMDTYPE was for?

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