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Explosion sound for object

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I'm having a multiplayer mission (custom dayz) where on serverside scripts I'm having a crash site script. This will run every ~1h, spawning crash site with loot. (_crash = createVehicle [_crashModel,_position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];)

I want to create a big explosion that all players can hear ~2km radius. How I do that?

I created a .ogg file (51kbps, 22Hz with 2 channels) and defined it in CfgSounds.hpp:

class timz_crashSiteExplosion {
	name = "";
	sound[] = {"\dayz_sfx\effects\timz_crashSiteExplosion.ogg", 0.1,1,80};
               titles[] = {};

Should I use say, say3D or createSoundSource and how I can define custom radius on how far this explosion can be heard?

Edited by kaski

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I would use say3D. As for range - seems, that last number of sound config is for that. Change 80 to 2000 and compare. BTW perhaps sounds should be rather mono, if used as 3D sound?

Here is working well with say3D example of exactly such kind of explosion sound, audible from big distancies, that I was used in one of my projects:

 class DeathBum
  name = "DeathBum";   
  sound[] = {\RYD_RCW\sounds\DeathBum.ogg, db+50, 1, 2000};   
  titles[] = {0, ""};

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I changed soundfile to mono and included it in client files. This is what I have in cfgSounds.hpp:

		class timz_crashSiteExplosion {
	name = "timz_crashSiteExplosion";
	sound[] = {"\dayz_sfx\effects\timz_crashSiteExplosion.ogg", db+50, 1, 2500};
	titles[] = {0, ""};

Sound file is downloadable here: http://kask.fi/bisforum/

And here is crashspawn code:

		_crash = createVehicle [_crashModel,_position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
	_crash say3D "timz_crashSiteExplosion";

Everything is working except the explosionsound, I can't hear it. I don't get any errors in .rpt files (client or server). What I am doing wrong?

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Hard to tell. I don't know much about sounds in MP. I used your sound in simplified demo (with decription.ext sound config) and sound is audible from 2000 when 2500 is set, but very quiet. So I changed for 3500 and now is a bit louder, but will be audible from greater distancies:


(Use Juliet radio channel (0-0-0) to generate sound at trigger's position)

You can also try to make sound itself louder in some soud editor.

Edited by Rydygier

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Hmm, weird that soundsystem is different in SP than MP scripting. Thanks for helping though. I will try to adjust that soundfile littlebit louder with audacity.

Anyone else who has an idea for this? Is there really any way to play sound that whole server can hear it?

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