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Looking for reticule location in RCO scope config

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I'd like to locate the part of the config for the ACO scope that says were to look for the reticule location. I've found the paa's but nothing more.



Edited by PurePassion
Please use descriptive thread titles ;) Thanks!

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The ACO as in the two collimator sights (red and green)?

The reticle on those will be assigned directly to the sight model as a texture inside the .p3d; not a separate model that can be assigned in the config through modeloptics. You'd need to be able to retexture the relevant faces in the ACO model to change the reticle pattern.

An example of how collimator sights are done in the game was written by Alwarren, showing what I mean about the reticle being integrated directly into the model:


It's not something you can change without editing the ACO model itself.

The same may possibly become true of the ARCO and RCO in the beta, now that BIS are switching to 3D representations of magnified scopes instead of the 2D modeloptics representations of the sight picture they use currently.

Edited by da12thMonkey

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Ah thats kinda sad, i was hoping to change the reticule for a SUSAT reticule. Ah well, Thanks for the info da12thMonkey

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Do you mean the ARCO then, not the ACO? I'm not sure that you'd want the SUSAT's obelisk-type reticle on the unmagnified ACO, would you, since the SUSAT itself is a 4x magnified sight like the ARCO and RCO if that's what you're trying to replicate.

The ARCO (Advanced Rifle Combat Optic) is the big, earth-coloured sight with the green mini dot-sight on top where the ACO (Advanced Colliminator Optic) is the 1x reflex sight that comes with a red or green reticle. Then of course there's also the RCO (Rifle Combat Optic)

I'll admit, the names of the sight attachments in Arma 3 confuse the shit out of me sometimes. RCO, ARCO, ACO... who the hell thought that was a good idea, and what makes the ARCO more Advanced than the RCO anyway? :D

You can change the reticle on the ARCO in the config but you need to make a new 2D optics-view model and pack it in your .pbo along with the replacement config. You need to change the line

	modeloptics = "\A3\Weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_F";

In class optic_Arco\class ItemInfo, to something along the lines of

	modeloptics = "\MyPBOName\MyOpticsModelName";

There are examples of modeloptics in some of the old Arma 1 sample models, and IIRC Fincuan's optics addon for Arma 2 also contains some open-source models to show you how it's done.

As I said though, this might change when BIS start switching the ARCO, RCO and other magnified sights to 3D views instead of the current 2D ones, but I suspect it'll still be possible to override it with a traditional 2D optic since the modeloptics parameter will probably still be needed for NV and TI scopes - as it'll look weird if the view around the outside of the scope is in TI mode as well as the view through the optics.

Edited by da12thMonkey

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Sry man, yeah meant the RCO :o Sounds like its too hard core for me to do, im only a sound monkey :p

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