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How to start a group in a building, then exit and move to a waypoint on a trigger?

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Does anyone know how to start a group in a building and stay there, tell a trigger tells them to exit and move to a waypoint? Thanks

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There is probably a much better way to do this but I've had some success with putting the unit directly on top of the building and setting the unit elevation to around 2 or 3. The unit would spawn on the second floor a move from there.

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Place a Group ontop of the building that you want them to stay in,

Degroup each Unit and name them e.g u1, u2 etc

Set each Units special to NONE,

Turn on ID's in the editor,

For each Unit make a waypoint on top of the buildings ID number, the buildings name should be showing when you click to place the waypoint and in the waypoints dialog should be a new option called buildingPos, select a different pos for each Unit, in the waypoints onAct type

this disableAI "move";

For each unit make another waypoint somewhere in the building of type JOIN for the leader use JOIN & LEAD,

Sync all the JOIN waypoints to the JOIN & LEAD,

Sync the trigger to each of the JOIN and JOIN & LEAD waypoints,

In the Trigger OnAct type

{_x enableAI "move"} foreach [u1, u2, u3];

<-u1 u2 etc being the names for all the units you made,

Give the leader another waypoint of where you want them to go when triggered.

Thats it

When you preview the soldiers will move to there building positions (can move their starting points around to make them closer to their designated positions) and will stand there not moving until the trigger is activated. They will then all group together and move on out to the leaders final waypoint.


Edited by Larrow

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Thanks guys works grate for larger buildings with room to set the join waypoints and still stay inside. Ill try it out on a smaller building, to see if all the waypoints still fit inside the smaller structure.

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You dont have to split the group you could just give a group leader a waypoint of a building position( or anywhere within a building) and have them all disable move at that spot, waypoint OnAct:-

{_x disableAI "move"} foreach thisList

, next waypoint would be were you want them to goto and would have the trigger synced to it.

Just thought id give you something a little different above.

Edited by Larrow

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