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Hi - I'm new to mission editing. I wanted to play an animation from the animation viewer but am having trouble. Sometimes I can get the animation to play for a unit by using the switchmove script, however, I still can't make units sit down on chairs or get close to objects. Another problem I'm having is that enemy units in animated states (switchmove in particular) do not respond to the player. And if they do, there is not always a smooth transition. Now, I guess this is quite complex, so there's no easy answers, but can anybody point me towards a detailed tutorial or another thread (if I've missed it!). I know how to view animations, I just want to be able to use them properly.

Thanks to anyone who can help me!

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ok there are 2 basic scripting animation commands

switchmove: (as you already have mentioned) this is telling the unit to do that move on the spot, that second with no transitions. certain animations, depending on other transitional animations that theyre linked to can freeze up when using this.

playmove: this one will get you in and out of your selected animation smoothly. if your animation has one linked to it on either side (a start transition and and end transition) then this will play all 3

certain animations can only be executed with one of the above, some will be identical with both, and some will look completely different. unfortunately the only way I know to figure out which does what is by trial and error.

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